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GeoMesa Command Line

Updated on 2023-01-11 GMT+08:00

This section describes common GeoMesa commands. For more GeoMesa commands, visit https://www.geomesa.org/documentation/user/accumulo/commandline.html.

After installing the HBase client and loading environment variables, you can use the geomesa-hbase command line.

  • Viewing classpath

    After you run the classpath command, all classpath information of the current command line tool will be returned.

    bin/geomesa-hbase classpath

  • Creating a table

    Run the create-schema command to create a table. When creating a table, you need to specify the directory name, table name, and table specifications at least.

    bin/geomesa-hbase create-schema -c geomesa -f test -s Who:String,What:java.lang.Long,When:Date,*Where:Point:srid=4326,Why:String

  • Describing a table

    Run the describe-schema command to obtain table descriptions. When describing a table, you need to specify the directory name and table name.

    bin/geomesa-hbase describe-schema -c geomesa -f test

  • Importing data in batches

    Run the ingest command to import data in batches. When importing data, you need to specify the directory name, table name, table specifications, and the related data converter.

    The data in the data.csv file contains license plate number, vehicle color, longitude, latitude, and time. Save the data table to the folder.

    AAA,red,113.918417,22.505892,2017-04-09 18:03:46
    BBB,white,113.960719,22.556511,2017-04-24 07:38:47
    CCC,blue,114.088333,22.637222,2017-04-23 15:07:54
    DDD,yellow,114.195456,22.596103,2017-04-21 21:27:06
    EEE,black,113.897614,22.551331,2017-04-09 09:34:48

    Table structure definition: myschema.sft. Save myschema.sft to the conf folder of the GeoMesa command line tool.

    geomesa.sfts.cars = {
       attributes = [
            { name = "carid", type = "String", index = true }
            { name = "color", type = "String", index = false }
            { name = "time", type = "Date",   index = false }
            { name = "geom", type = "Point",  index = true,srid = 4326,default = true }

    Converter definition: myconvertor.convert Save myconvertor.convert to the conf folder of the GeoMesa command line tool.

    geomesa.converters.cars= {
          type   = "delimited-text",
          format = "CSV",
          id-field = "$fid",
          fields = [
            { name = "fid",     transform = "concat($1,$5)" }
            { name = "carid",   transform = "$1::string" }
            { name = "color",   transform = "$2::string" }
            { name = "lon",     transform = "$3::double" }
            { name = "lat",     transform = "$4::double" } 
            { name = "geom",    transform = "point($lon,$lat)" }
            { name = "time",    transform = "date('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',$5)" }

    Run the following command to import data:

    bin/geomesa-hbase ingest -c geomesa -C conf/myconvertor.convert -s conf/myschema.sft data/data.csv

    For details about other parameters for importing data, visit https://www.geomesa.org/documentation/user/accumulo/examples.html#ingesting-data.

  • Querying explanations

    Run the explain command to obtain execution plan explanations of the specified query statement. You need to specify the directory name, table name, and query statement.

    bin/geomesa-hbase explain -c geomesa -f cars -q "carid = 'BBB'"

  • Analyzing statistics

    Run the stats-analyze command to conduct statistical analysis on the data table. In addition, you can run the stats-bounds, stats-count, stats-histogram, and stats-top-k commands to collect more detailed statistics on the data table.

    bin/geomesa-hbase stats-analyze -c geomesa -f cars

    bin/geomesa-hbase stats-bounds -c geomesa -f cars

    bin/geomesa-hbase stats-count -c geomesa -f cars

    bin/geomesa-hbase stats-histogram -c geomesa -f cars

    bin/geomesa-hbase stats-top-k -c geomesa -f cars

  • Exporting a feature

    Run the export command to export a feature. When exporting the feature, you must specify the directory name and table name. In addition, you can specify a query statement to export the feature.

    bin/geomesa-hbase export -c geomesa -f cars -q "carid = 'BBB'"

  • Deleting a feature

    Run the delete-features command to delete a feature. When deleting the feature, you must specify the directory name and table name. In addition, you can specify a query statement to delete the feature.

    bin/geomesa-hbase delete-features -c geomesa -f cars -q "carid = 'BBB'"

  • Obtain the names of all tables in the directory.

    Run the get-type-names command to obtain the names of tables in the specified directory.

    bin/geomesa-hbase get-type-names -c geomesa

  • Deleting a table

    Run the remove-schema command to delete a table. You need to specify the directory name and table name at least.

    bin/geomesa-hbase remove-schema -c geomesa -f test

    bin/geomesa-hbase remove-schema -c geomesa -f cars

  • Deleting a catalog

    Run the delete-catalog command to delete the specified catalog.

    bin/geomesa-hbase delete-catalog -c geomesa





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