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Querying Pre-check Results in Batches
This API is used to query the pre-check results of tasks in batches.
- This API can be called only when the pre-check API is invoked.
POST /v3/{project_id}/jobs/batch-precheck-result
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID of a tenant in a region For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID. |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
The content type. The default value is application/json. |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
User token obtained from IAM. |
X-Language |
No |
String |
Request language type Default value: en-us Values:
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
jobs |
Yes |
Array of strings |
Request for querying pre-check results in batches. The value cannot be empty. The values must comply with the UUID rule. The task ID must be unique. |
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
results |
Array of objects |
Response body set for querying pre-check results in batches. For details, see Table 5. |
count |
Integer |
Total number of records. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
precheck_id |
String |
ID of the task for querying the pre-check result. |
result |
Boolean |
Whether the pre-check items are passed. true: indicates that the pre-check is passed. The task can be started only after the pre-check is passed. |
process |
String |
Pre-check progress, in percentage. |
total_passed_rate |
String |
Percentage of passed pre-checks. |
rds_instance_id |
String |
RDS DB instance ID. |
job_direction |
String |
Task direction. Values:
precheck_result |
Array of object |
Pre-check results. For details, see Table 6. |
error_msg |
String |
Error message. |
error_code |
String |
Error code. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
item |
String |
Check item. |
result |
String |
Check results. Values:
failed_reason |
String |
Failure cause. |
data |
String |
Encrypted data. |
raw_error_msg |
String |
Row error message. |
group |
String |
Check item group. |
failed_sub_jobs |
Array of objects |
Information about failed subtasks. For details, see Table 7. |
Example Request
- Querying pre-check results for a DDS real-time migration task
https://{endpoint}/v3/054ba152d480d55b2f5dc0069e7ddef0/jobs/batch-precheck-result { "jobs" : [ "a281f62f-4631-45d6-a2d3-679a9f4jb105" ] }
- Querying pre-check results for a MySQL real-time migration task
https://{endpoint}/v3/054ba152d480d55b2f5dc0069e7ddef0/jobs/batch-precheck-result { "jobs" : [ "140b5236-88ad-43c8-811c-1268453jb101" ] }
Example Response
Status code: 200
- Example response for querying the pre-check result during real-time MySQL migration:
{ "count" : 1, "results" : [ { "result" : true, "process" : "100%", "precheck_id" : "140b5236-88ad-43c8-811c-1268453jb101", "total_passed_rate" : "100%", "rds_instance_id" : "e05a3679efe241d8b5dee80b17c1a863in01", "job_direction" : "up", "precheck_result" : [ { "item" : "dstDbDiskSize", "result" : "PASSED", "data" : "{\"diskSizeTimes\":\"1.5\",\"dstVolumeSize\":\"37660000000\",\"srcIndexSize\":0,\"size\":\"0\",\"srcIndexAmount\":0}", "group" : "db_disk_size" }, { "item" : "checkIncreSrcDbExistedInDstDb", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbCharacterSetConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbClockConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbCollationServerConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbIsolationLevelConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbParamConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dbServerUuidConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dstMaxAllowedPacketCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "hasForeignKeyOnUnselectedTable", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "innodbStrictModeConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "isUserRequireSslLink", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "sqlModeConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "sqlModeNoEngine", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcBinlogFormatCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcBinlogRowImageCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbBinlogExpireLogsDays", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbBinlogIsOff", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbExistUnsupportEngineTable", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbIndexKeyLength", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbNameContainsUnsupportedSymbols", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbServerIdCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDstTableNameCaseSensitiveCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcHasNoPkTableWhenTgtHasInvisiblePk", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcRoutinesWithoutPrivilegeCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcTableNameContainsNonAscii", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcTriggerAndEventCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcViewNameContainsNonAscii", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srclogSlaveUpdatesCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "userRequirementIsEnoughForDefiner", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "userSelectObjectsCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dstStatusCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "data" : "", "group" : "db_target_status", "failed_reason" : "" }, { "item" : "dstDbPrivilegesIsEnough", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_user_privilege" }, { "item" : "srcDbPrivilegesIsEnoughForIncre", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_user_privilege" }, { "item" : "dbVersionMeetRequirement", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "dstDbVersionSupport", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "srcDbVersionSupport", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "dstDbConnection", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "network" }, { "item" : "srcDbConnection", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "network" } ] } ] }
- Example response for querying the pre-check result during real-time DDS migration:
{ "count" : 1, "results" : [ { "result" : true, "process" : "100%", "precheck_id" : "a281f62f-4631-45d6-a2d3-679a9f4jb105", "total_passed_rate" : "100%", "rds_instance_id" : "3cadd5a0ef724f55ac7fa5bcb5f4fc5fin02", "job_direction" : "up", "precheck_result" : [ { "item" : "dstDbDiskSize", "result" : "PASSED", "data" : "{'size': '5263360', 'dstVolumeSize':'19089431762', 'diskSizeTimes':'1.5'}", "group" : "db_disk_size" }, { "item" : "srcAndDstCappedCollConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_object_conflict_check" }, { "item" : "srcCollAlreadyExistedInDstColl", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_object_conflict_check" }, { "item" : "srcViewAlreadyExistedInDstView", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_object_conflict_check" }, { "item" : "rolesDependentCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_object_dependency_check" }, { "item" : "usersDependentCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_object_dependency_check" }, { "item" : "srcCollHasTtlIndex", "result" : "ALARM", "data" : "{\"srcHasTtlIndexColls\":\"fastunit.ttlsuoyin\"}", "group" : "db_params", "failed_reason" : "SRC_HAS_TTL_INDEXES" }, { "item" : "dbSslConsistency", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dstChunkNumCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "mongoTypeFitTransferMode", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcCollIndexNumCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcCollNameContainsUnsupportedSymbols", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbInstanceIsEmpty", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcDbNameContainsUnsupportedSymbols", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "srcIdIndexCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "userSelectObjectsCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_params" }, { "item" : "dstStatusCheck", "result" : "PASSED", "data" : "", "group" : "db_target_status", "failed_reason" : "" }, { "item" : "dstDbPrivilegesIsEnough", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_user_privilege" }, { "item" : "srcDbPrivilegesIsEnough", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_user_privilege" }, { "item" : "dbVersionMeetRequirement", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "dstDbVersionSupport", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "srcDbVersionSupport", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "db_version" }, { "item" : "dstDbConnection", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "network" }, { "item" : "srcDbConnection", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "network" }, { "item" : "srcShardKeyConfiguration", "result" : "ALARM", "data" : "{\"notConfigShardIndexColls\":\"ycsb.usertable,mgo.mycollection7,mgo.mycollection9,mgo.mycollection5,mgo.mycollection4,mgo.mycollection3,mgo.mycollection,mgo.mycollection8,mgo.mycollection2,mgo.mycollection6,testdb3.testuk,testdb3.coll2,testdb3.coll6,testdb3.coll1,testdb3.Coll1,testdb3.testuk2,testdb3.coll5,testdb3.coll4,testdb1.coll6,testdb1.coll1,testdb1.testuk2,testdb1.coll2,testdb1.testuk,testdb1.coll5,testdb1.coll4,testdb1.Coll1,Testdb5.coll1,Testdb5.collx,Testdb5.Coll1,fastunit.gudingjihe,fastunit.geohaystack,fastunit.coll,fastunit.weiyisuoyin,fastunit.testSpecial\\\\u4E2D\\\\u6587~!@#%^&*()_+=-[]{};:?,`,fastunit.log,fastunit.twoD,fastunit.lianhesuoyin,fastunit.xishusuoyin,fastunit.quanwensuoyin,fastunit.ttlsuoyin,fastunit.putongsuoyin,fastunit.collcount,fastunit.shuzusuoyin,fastunit.twodsphere,fastunit.qiantaowendangsuoyin,fastunit.indexpartial\"}", "group" : "src_info_check", "failed_reason" : "SRC_INSTANCE_TYPE_IS_REPLICA_SET" }, { "item" : "checkBalanceStatus", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "src_info_check" }, { "item" : "srcMongoInstanceType", "result" : "PASSED", "group" : "src_info_check" } ] } ] }
Status Code
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
Error Code
For details, see Error Code.
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