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Initializing Configurations

Updated on 2023-02-27 GMT+08:00

The KooCLI initialization command is used to store the permanent AK/SK and region information you often use in the configuration file, eliminating the need for frequently entering the information during operations. Run the following command to initialize configurations:

hcloud configure init

After you type in the preceding command and press Enter, the system prompts you to enter the access key ID (required), secret access key (required), and default or common region (optional).

hcloud configure init
Starting initialization. 'Secret Access Key' is anonymized. To obtain the parameter, see ''.
Access Key ID [required]: H9NNF********SG65MXW
Secret Access Key [required]: ****
Secret Access Key (again): ****
Region: eu-west-101

*****                                              *****
*****           Initialization successful          *****
*****                                              *****




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