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Viewing Traces

Updated on 2024-03-19 GMT+08:00


CTS records the operations performed on ELB and allows you to view the operation records of the last seven days on the CTS console. To query these records, perform the following operations.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click and select the desired region and project.
  3. Under Management & Governance, click Cloud Trace Service.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Trace List.
  5. Specify the filters used for querying traces. The following filters are available:
    • Trace Type, Trace Source, Resource Type, and Search By

      Select a filter from the drop-down list.

      If you select Trace name for Search By, you need to select a specific trace name.

      If you select Resource ID for Search By, select or enter a specific resource ID.

      If you select Resource name for Search By, select or enter a specific resource name.

    • Operator: Select a specific operator (at the user level rather than the tenant level).
    • Trace Status: Available options include All trace statuses, Normal, Warning, and Incident. You can only select one of them.
    • Time range: You can query traces generated at any time range of the last seven days.
  6. Click on the left of the required trace to expand its details.
    Figure 1 Expanding trace details
  7. Click View Trace in the Operation column to view trace details.
    Figure 2 View Trace

    For details about key fields in the trace, see the Cloud Trace Service User Guide.

Example Traces

  • Creating a load balancer
    request {"loadbalancer":{"name":"elb-test-zcy","description":"","tenant_id":"05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33","vip_subnet_id":"ed04fd93-e74b-4794-b63e-e72baa02a2da","admin_state_up":true}}
    code 201
    trace_type ConsoleAction
    event_type system
    project_id 05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33
    trace_id b39b21a1-8d49-11ec-b548-2be046112888
    trace_name createLoadbalancer
    resource_type loadbalancer
    trace_rating normal
    api_version v2.0
    service_type ELB
    response {"loadbalancer": {"description": "", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE", "provider": "vlb", "project_id": "05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33", "vip_address": "", "pools": [], "operating_status": "ONLINE", "name": "elb-test-zcy", "created_at": "2022-02-14T03:53:39", "listeners": [], "id": "7ebe23cd-1d46-4a49-b707-1441c7f0d0d1", "vip_port_id": "5b36ff96-3773-4736-83cf-38c54abedeea", "updated_at": "2022-02-14T03:53:41", "tags": [], "admin_state_up": true, "vip_subnet_id": "ed04fd93-e74b-4794-b63e-e72baa02a2da", "tenant_id": "05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33"}}
    resource_id 7ebe23cd-1d46-4a49-b707-1441c7f0d0d1
    tracker_name system
    time 2022/02/14 11:53:42 GMT+08:00
    resource_name elb-test-zcy
    record_time 2022/02/14 11:53:42 GMT+08:00
    user {"domain": {"name": "CBUInfo", "id": "0503dda87802345ddafed096d70a960"}, "name": "zcy", "id": "09f106afd2345cdeff5c009c58f5b4a"}
  • Deleting a load balancer
    code 204
    trace_type ConsoleAction
    event_type system
    project_id 05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33
    trace_id 4f838bbf-8d4a-11ec-a1fe-1f93fdaf3bec
    trace_name deleteLoadbalancer
    resource_type loadbalancer
    trace_rating normal
    api_version v2.0
    service_type ELB
    response {"loadbalancer": {"listeners": [], "vip_port_id": "5b36ff96-3773-4736-83cf-38c54abedeea", "tags": [], "tenant_id": "05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33", "admin_state_up": true, "id": "7ebe23cd-1d46-4a49-b707-1441c7f0d0d1", "operating_status": "ONLINE", "description": "", "pools": [], "vip_subnet_id": "ed04fd93-e74b-4794-b63e-e72baa02a2da", "project_id": "05041fffa40025702f6dc009cc6f8f33", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE", "name": "elb-test-zcy", "created_at": "2022-02-14T03:53:39", "vip_address": "", "updated_at": "2022-02-14T03:53:41", "provider": "vlb"}}
    resource_id 7ebe23cd-1d46-4a49-b707-1441c7f0d0d1
    tracker_name system
    time 2022/02/14 11:58:03 GMT+08:00
    resource_name elb-test-zcy
    record_time 2022/02/14 11:58:03 GMT+08:00
    user {"domain": {"name": CBUInfo", "id": "0503dda87802345ddafed096d70a960"}, "name": "zcy", "id": "09f106afd2345cdeff5c009c58f5b4a"}




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