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Help Center/ Document Database Service/ Troubleshooting/ Connection Failure Message: cannot list multiple servers in URL without 'replicaSet' option

Connection Failure Message: cannot list multiple servers in URL without 'replicaSet' option

Updated on 2022-09-21 GMT+08:00


An error is reported when you run the following command to connect to a DDS replica set instance:

./mongo mongodb://rwuser:xxxxxxxxxxx@,

Error message:

FailedToParse: Cannot list multiple servers in URL without 'replicaSet' option
try 'mongo --help' for more information.

Possible Cause

  • The versions of the client and server are inconsistent.
  • The command format is incorrect.

Fault Locating

  • Check whether the versions of the client and server are the same.
  • Check whether the format of the entered command is correct.


  • The versions of the client and server are inconsistent.
  • replicaSet is specified in the URL command. (The name of replicaSet in DDS is fixed at replica.)
  • The URL command is enclosed in double quotation marks.




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