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Enabling Bucket Logging

Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

You can call setBucketLogging to enable logging for a bucket


The source bucket and target bucket must be in the same region.

Enabling Bucket Logging

Sample code:

static OBSClient *client;
NSString *endPoint = @"your-endpoint";
// Hard-coded or plaintext AK/SK are risky. For security purposes, encrypt your AK/SK and store them in the configuration file or environment variables. In this example, the AK/SK are stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this example, configure environment variables AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey.
// Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see
char* ak_env = getenv("AccessKeyID");
char* sk_env = getenv("SecretAccessKey");
NSString *AK = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ak_env];
NSString *SK = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:sk_env];
// Initialize identity authentication.
OBSStaticCredentialProvider *credentialProvider = [[OBSStaticCredentialProvider alloc] initWithAccessKey:AK secretKey:SK];
//Initialize service configuration.
OBSServiceConfiguration *conf = [[OBSServiceConfiguration alloc] initWithURLString:endPoint credentialProvider:credentialProvider];
// Initialize an instance of OBSClient.
client = [[OBSClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:conf];
//Set the bucket ACL.
// Step 1: Set the log delivery group's access permissions.
OBSUser *owner = [[OBSUser alloc] initWithID:@"ownerID"];
OBSACLGranteeLogDelivery *grantee = [OBSACLGranteeLogDelivery new];
OBSACLGrant *grant = [[OBSACLGrant alloc]initWithGrantee:grantee permission:OBSACLFull_Control];
// Set the log delivery group's access permission to FULL_CONTROL.
OBSACLGranteeUser *userGrantee = [[OBSACLGranteeUser alloc]initWithID:@"granteeID"];
OBSACLGrant *userGrant = [[OBSACLGrant alloc]initWithGrantee:userGrantee permission:OBSACLFull_Control];
OBSACLGranteeAllUsers *alluserGrantee = [OBSACLGranteeAllUsers new];
OBSACLGrant *alluserGrant = [[OBSACLGrant alloc]initWithGrantee:alluserGrantee permission:OBSACLFull_Control];
OBSAccessControlPolicy *policy = [OBSAccessControlPolicy new];
policy.owner = owner;
[policy.accessControlList addObject:grant];
[policy.accessControlList addObject:userGrant];
OBSSetBucketACLWithPolicyRequest *setACLRequest = [[OBSSetBucketACLWithPolicyRequest alloc]initWithBucketName:@"bucketname" accessControlPolicy:policy];
[client setBucketACL:setACLRequest completionHandler:^(OBSSetBucketACLResponse *response, NSError *error){
// Step 2: Set bucket logging.
grant = [[OBSACLGrant alloc]initWithGrantee:grantee permission:OBSACLFull_Control];
OBSSetBucketLoggingRequest *request = [[OBSSetBucketLoggingRequest alloc]initWithBucketName:@"bucketname"];
OBSLoggingEnabled* enabledItem = [[OBSLoggingEnabled alloc]initWithTargetBucket:@"bucketname" targetPrefix:@"access-log"];
[enabledItem.targetGrantsList addObject:userGrant];
[enabledItem.targetGrantsList addObject:alluserGrant];
[request.loggingEnabledList addObject:enabledItem];
[client setBucketLogging:request completionHandler:^(OBSSetBucketLoggingResponse *response, NSError *error){




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