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Help Center/ NAT Gateway/ Progressive Knowledge
Progressive Knowledge - HuaweiCloud

NAT Gateway

A public NAT gateway provides SNAT and DNAT so that cloud servers in a VPC can share an EIP to communicate with the Internet. 

Progressive Knowledge

NAT Gateway knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level


NAT Gateway concepts and application scenarios are provided to help you select your desired type to match services.

Service Overview

Be a Power User

You can manage NAT gateways, SNAT rules, and DNAT rules based on service requirements. In addition, you can view monitoring metrics in real time to learn about the health status of your NAT gateways.

Common Operations

O&M and Monitoring


You can manage NAT gateways, SNAT rules, and DNAT rules by calling APIs.

API Reference


Learn more about common issues and solutions.





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