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Help Center/ Image Management Service/ FAQs/ Image Optimization/ How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?

How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?

Updated on 2024-11-06 GMT+08:00


Network I/O bandwidth can keep increasing to the point where a single vCPU cannot process all of the NIC interrupts. NIC multi-queue allows multiple vCPUs to process NIC interrupts, thereby improving network PPS and I/O performance.

ECSs Supporting NIC Multi-Queue

NIC multi-queue can only be enabled on an ECS with the specifications and virtualization type described in this section.

  • For details about the ECS specifications that support NIC multi-queue, see ECS Types.

    If there are more than 1 NIC queue, NIC multi-queue is supported.

  • Only KVM ECSs support NIC multi-queue.

Operation Instructions

If an ECS has the required specifications and virtualization type, perform the following operations to enable NIC multi-queue:

Currently, NIC multi-queue is only available for Ethernet NICs.

  1. Register the External Image File as a Private Image.
  2. Enable NIC Multi-Queue for the Image.
  3. Create an ECS from the Private Image.
  4. Run a Script to Enable NIC Multi-Queue on the ECS.

Register the External Image File as a Private Image

For details, see Registering an External Image File as a Private Image (Linux). After the image file is imported, view the value of NIC Multi-Queue on the page providing details about the image.

Enable NIC Multi-Queue for the Image

Use any of the following methods to enable NIC multi-queue for an image:

Method 1:
  1. Access the IMS console.
    1. Log in to the management console.
    2. Under Compute, click Image Management Service.

      The IMS console is displayed.

  2. On the displayed Private Images page, locate the row that contains the image and click Modify in the Operation column.
  3. Enable NIC multi-queue for the image.
Method 2:
  1. Access the IMS console.
    1. Log in to the management console.
    2. Under Compute, click Image Management Service.

      The IMS console is displayed.

  2. On the displayed Private Images page, click the name of the image.
  3. In the upper right corner of the displayed image details page, click Modify. In the displayed Modify Image dialog box, enable NIC multi-queue for the image.

Method 3: Add hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled to the image using an API.

  1. Obtain a token. For details, see Authentication.
  2. Call an API to update image information. For details, see Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API).
  3. Add X-Auth-Token to the request header.

    The value of X-Auth-Token is the token obtained in step 1.

  4. Add Content-Type to the request header.

    Set Content-Type to application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch.

    The request URI is in the following format:

    PATCH /v2/images/{image_id}

    The request body is as follows:
              "value": true

Create an ECS from the Private Image

Use the registered private image to create an ECS. For details, see Purchasing an ECS. Note the following when setting the parameters:
  • Region: Select the region where the private image is located.
  • Image: Select Private image and then the desired image from the drop-down list.

Run a Script to Enable NIC Multi-Queue on the ECS

For Linux, a script is provided to automatically enable NIC multi-queue. If an ECS has multiple NICs, the script will automatically enable multi-queue for all of them.

  1. Log in to the ECS and run the following command to check the number of queues supported by and enabled for a NIC:

    ethtool -l NIC

    Example output:

    [root@localhost ~]# ethtool -l eth0   # Number of queues used by NIC eth0
    Channel parameters for eth0:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:               0
    TX:               0
    Other:            0
    Combined:         4   # The NIC supports a maximum of four queues.
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:               0
    TX:               0
    Other:            0
    Combined:         1   # One queue has been enabled for the NIC.

    If the values of the two Combined fields are the same, NIC multi-queue has been enabled. No further action is required.

  2. Download the configuration script multi-queue-hw.


    The download address is

  3. Make the script executable.

    chmod +x multi-queue-hw

  4. Move the multi-queue-hw script into the /etc/init.d directory.

    mv multi-queue-hw /etc/init.d

    Enter y when prompted:

    mv: overwrite '/etc/init.d/multi-queue-hw'?
  5. Run the script.

    /etc/init.d/multi-queue-hw start

    NIC multi-queue is enabled immediately after the script is executed but is disabled again if the ECS stops.

  6. Enable NIC multi-queue at startup.
    • For CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora, EulerOS, SUSE, and openSUSE:

      chkconfig multi-queue-hw on

    • For Ubuntu:

      update-rc.d multi-queue-hw defaults 90 10

    • For Debian:

      systemctl enable multi-queue-hw





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