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Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00
  1. Query the list of topics in current clusters.

    bin/ --list --zookeeper <ZooKeeper cluster IP address:2181/kafka>

    bin/ --list --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007> --command-config config/

  2. Query the details of a topic.

    bin/ --describe --zookeeper <ZooKeeper cluster IP address:2181/kafka> --topic <Topic name>

    bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007> --command-config config/ --topic <Topic name>

  3. Delete a topic (this operation can be performed by an administrator).

    bin/ --delete --zookeeper <ZooKeeperCluster IP address:2181/kafka> --topic <Topic name>

    bin/ --delete --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007>--command-config config/ --topic <Topic name>

  4. Create a topic (this operation can be performed by an administrator).

    bin/ --create --zookeeper <ZooKeeperCluster IP address:2181/kafka> --partitions 6 --replication-factor 2 --topic <Topic name>

    bin/ --create --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007> --command-config config/ --partitions 6 --replication-factor 2 --topic <Topic name>

  5. Assign permissions to the Consumer (this operation is performed by an administrator).

    bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<ZooKeeper cluster IP address:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<User name> --consumer --topic <Topic name> --group <Consumer group name>

    bin/ --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007> --command-config config/ --add --allow-principal User:<User name> --consumer --topic <Topic name> --group <Consumer group name>

  6. Assign permissions to the Producer (this operation is performed by an administrator).

    bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<ZooKeeper cluster IP address:2181/kafka > --add --allow-principal User:<User name> --producer --topic <Topic name>

    bin/ --bootstrap-server <Kafka cluster IP address:21007> --command-config config/ --add --allow-principal User:<User name> --producer --topic <Topic name>

  7. Produce messages (this operation requires the producer permission of the desired topic).

    bin/ --broker-list <KafkaCluster IP address:21007> --topic <Topic name> --producer.config config/

  8. Consume data (the producer permission of the topic is required).

    bin/ --topic <Topic name> --bootstrap-server <KafkaCluster IP address:21007> --consumer.config config/





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