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Configuring and Importing a Sample Project

Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00


The client installation program directory contains a HetuEngine development sample project. You can start the sample project learning by importing the project. This document uses IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.3 (Community Edition) as an example.


Ensure that the difference between the local PC time and the MRS cluster time is less than 5 minutes. If the time difference cannot be determined, contact the system administrator. You can view the time of the MRS cluster in the upper-right corner on the FusionInsight Manager page.


  1. Obtain the sample project folder hetu-examples\hetu-examples-security in the src directory where the sample code is decompressed. For details, see Obtaining Sample Projects from Huawei Mirrors.
  2. In the application development environment, import the sample project to the IntelliJ IDEA development environment.

    1. Open IntelliJ IDEA and choose File > New > General > Project from Existing Sources > Select File or Directory to Import to go to the Browse Folder dialog box is displayed.
    2. Select the sample project folder, choose Import project from external model > Maven during import, and click Next and then Finish.

      The sample code is a Maven project. You can adjust the project configuration based on the site requirements.





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