Help Center/ FunctionGraph/ devg/ Overview/ Function Project Packaging Rules
Updated on 2023-09-07 GMT+08:00

Function Project Packaging Rules

Packaging Rules

In addition to inline code editing, you can create a function by uploading a local ZIP file or JAR file, or uploading a ZIP file from Object Storage Service (OBS). Table 1 describes the rules for packaging a function project.

Table 1 Function project packaging rules


JAR File

ZIP File

ZIP File on OBS


Not supported.

  • If the function project files are saved under the ~/Code/ directory, select and package all files under this directory to ensure that the function handler is under the root directory after the ZIP file is decompressed.
  • If the function project uses third-party dependencies, package the dependencies into a ZIP file, and import the ZIP file on the function code page. Alternatively, package the third-party dependencies and the function project files together.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.


Not supported.

  • If the function project files are saved under the ~/Code/ directory, select and package all files under this directory to ensure that the function handler is under the root directory after the ZIP file is decompressed.
  • If the function project uses third-party dependencies, package the dependencies into a ZIP file, and import the ZIP file on the function code page. Alternatively, package the third-party dependencies and the function project files together.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.

Python 2.7

Not supported.

  • If the function project files are saved under the ~/Code/ directory, select and package all files under this directory to ensure that the function handler is under the root directory after the ZIP file is decompressed.
  • If the function project uses third-party dependencies, package the dependencies into a ZIP file, and import the ZIP file on the function code page. Alternatively, package the third-party dependencies and the function project files together.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.

Python 3.6

Not supported.

  • If the function project files are saved under the ~/Code/ directory, select and package all files under this directory to ensure that the function handler is under the root directory after the ZIP file is decompressed.
  • If the function project uses third-party dependencies, package the dependencies into a ZIP file, and import the ZIP file on the function code page. Alternatively, package the third-party dependencies and the function project files together.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.

Java 8

If the function does not reference third-party components, compile only the function project files into a JAR file.

If the function references third-party components, compile the function project files into a JAR file, and compress all third-party components and the function JAR file into a ZIP file.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.

Go 1.x

Not supported.

Zip the compiled file and ensure that the name of the binary file is consistent with that of the handler. For example, if the name of the binary file is Handler, set the name of the handler to Handler.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.


Not supported.

Compress project files into a ZIP file. The ZIP file must contain the following files: Project_name.deps.json, Project_name.dll, Project_name.runtimeconfig.json, Project_name.pdb, and HC.Serverless.Function.Common.dll.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.


Not supported.

Compress project files into a ZIP file. The ZIP file must contain a bootstrap file.

Compress project files into a ZIP file and upload it to an OBS bucket.

Example ZIP Project Packages

  • Example directory of a Nods.js project package                            Example project package
    |--- lib                               Service file directory
    |--- node_modules                      NPM third-party component directory
    |--- index.js                          .js handler file (mandatory)
    |--- package.json                      NPM project management file
  • Example directory of a PHP project package                            Example project package
    |--- ext                               Extension library directory
    |--- pear                              PHP extension and application repository
    |--- index.php                         PHP handler file
  • Example directory of a Python project package                            Example project package
    |--- com                               Service file directory
    |--- PLI                               Third-party dependency PLI directory
    |---                          .py handler file (mandatory)
    |---                      .py file for image watermarking
    |--- watermark.png                     Watermarked image
  • Example directory of a Java project package                            Example project package
    |--- obstest.jar                       Service function JAR file
    |--- esdk-obs-java-3.20.2.jar          Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- jackson-core-2.10.0.jar           Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- jackson-databind-2.10.0.jar       Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- log4j-api-2.12.0.jar              Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- log4j-core-2.12.0.jar             Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- okhttp-3.14.2.jar                 Third-party dependency JAR file
    |--- okio-1.17.2.jar                   Third-party dependency JAR file
  • Example directory of a Go project package                            Example project package
    |---                     Service function package
  • Example directory of a C# project package                                   Example project package
    |--- fssExampleCsharp2.0.deps.json            File generated after project compilation
    |--- fssExampleCsharp2.0.dll                  File generated after project compilation
    |--- fssExampleCsharp2.0.pdb                  File generated after project compilation
    |--- fssExampleCsharp2.0.runtimeconfig.json   File generated after project compilation
    |--- Handler                                  Help file, which can be directly used
    |--- HC.Serverless.Function.Common.dll        .dll file provided by FunctionGraph
  • Custom                                   Example project package
    |--- bootstrap                                Executable boot file