Downloading a File from JupyterLab to a Local Path
Files created in JupyterLab can be downloaded to a local path.
- If a file is less than or equal to 100 MB, directly download it from JupyterLab. For details, see Downloading a File Less Than or Equal to 100 MB.
- If a file is larger than 100 MB, use OBS to transfer it to your local path. For details, see Downloading a File Larger Than 100 MB.
Downloading a File Less Than or Equal to 100 MB
In the JupyterLab file list, right-click the file to be downloaded and choose Download from the shortcut menu. The file is downloaded to your browser's downloads folder.
Downloading a File Larger Than 100 MB
Use OBS to transfer the file from the target notebook instance to the local path. To do so, perform the following operations:
- In the notebook instance, create an IPYNB file larger than 100 MB and use MoXing to upload it to OBS. Example code is as follows:
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import moxing as mox mox.file.copy('/home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt', 'obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt')
/home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt is the path to the file stored in the notebook instance. obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt is the path of the file uploaded to OBS, where bucket_name is the name of the bucket created in OBS, and obs_file.txt is the uploaded file.
- Use OBS or ModelArts SDK to download the file from OBS to the local path.
- Method 1: Use OBS to download the file.
- Download obs_file.txt from OBS to the local path. If a large amount of data is to be downloaded, use OBS Browser+ to download.
- Method 2: Use ModelArts SDK to download the file.
- Download and install the SDK locally.
- Authenticate sessions.
- Download the file from OBS to the local path. Example code is as follows:
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from modelarts.session import Session # Hardcoded or plaintext AK/SK is risky. For security, encrypt your AK/SK and store them in the configuration file or environment variables. # In this example, the AK/SK are stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_AK and HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_SK. __AK = os.environ["HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_AK"] __SK = os.environ["HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_SK"] # Decrypt the password if it is encrypted. session = Session(access_key=__AK,secret_key=__SK, project_id='***', region_name='***') session.download_data(bucket_path="/bucket_name/obs_file.txt",path="/home/user/obs_file.txt")
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