Commissioning Applications on Linux
ClickHouse applications can run in a Linux environment. After the application code is developed, you can upload the JAR file to the prepared Linux environment.
JDK has been installed on Linux. The version must be the same as JDK version of the JAR file exported from IntelliJ IDEA. Java environment variables have been set.
Compile and run applications.
- Export the JAR file.
- Log in to IntelliJ IDEA and choose File > Project Structure > Artifacts.
- Click the plus sign (+) and choose JAR > From modules with dependencies.
- Choose com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo from the Main Class drop-down list and click OK.
- Choose Build > Build Artifacts.... After the compilation is successful, view and obtain the clickhouse_examples.jar file in the clickhouse-examples\out\artifacts\ directory.
- Copy the clickhouse_examples.jar file and the conf folder in the clickhouse-examples directory to the ClickHouse client installation directory, for example, /opt/client.
- Log in to the client node, go to the directory where the JAR file is uploaded, and change the file permission to 700.
cd /opt/client
chmod 700 clickhouse-examples.jar
- In the client directory where clickhouse_examples.jar is stored, run the following commands to run the JAR file:
source bigdata_env
java -cp ./*:conf/ com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo
Viewing Commissioning Results
After a ClickHouse application is run, you can use one of the following methods to view the running result:
- Viewing the command output
- Viewing ClickHouse logs
That is, view the logs/clickhouse-example.log file in the directory where the current JAR file is located, for example, /opt/client/logs/clickhouse-example.log.
The execution result of the JAR file is as follows:
2021-06-10 20:53:56,028 | INFO | main | Current load balancer is | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:53:58,247 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1442 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:53:59,649 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1313 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:05,872 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 6132 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:10,223 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 4272 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:11,614 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1300 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:12,871 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1200 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:14,589 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1663 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:16,141 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1500 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:17,690 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1498 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:19,206 | INFO | main | Inert batch time is 1468 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:19,207 | INFO | main | Inert all batch time is 22626 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.insertData( 2021-06-10 20:54:19,208 | INFO | main | Current load balancer is | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:20,231 | INFO | main | Execute query:select * from mutong1.testtb_all order by age limit 10 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:21,266 | INFO | main | Execute time is 1035 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:21,267 | INFO | main | Current load balancer is | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:21,815 | INFO | main | Execute query:select toYYYYMM(date),count(1) from mutong1.testtb_all group by toYYYYMM(date) order by count(1) DESC limit 10 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,897 | INFO | main | Execute time is 1082 ms | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,898 | INFO | main | name age date | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,898 | INFO | main | huawei_266 0 2021-12-19 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_2500 0 2021-12-29 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_8980 0 2021-12-16 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_671 0 2021-12-29 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_2225 0 2021-12-12 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_6040 0 2021-12-14 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_7294 0 2021-12-10 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,899 | INFO | main | huawei_1133 0 2021-12-25 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | huawei_3161 0 2021-12-21 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | huawei_3992 0 2021-11-25 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | toYYYYMM(date) count() | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | 201910 2247 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | 202105 2213 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | 201801 2208 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,900 | INFO | main | 201803 2204 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 201810 2167 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 201805 2166 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 201901 2164 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 201908 2145 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 201912 2143 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData( 2021-06-10 20:54:22,901 | INFO | main | 202107 2137 | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Demo.queryData(
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