Preparing an Operating Environment

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00


The operating environment (client) of Spark can be deployed on Linux only. Perform the following operations to prepare the operating environment.

Preparing a Running and Commissioning Environment

  1. On the ECS management console, apply for a new ECS for application running and commissioning.

    • The security group of the ECS must be the same as that of the master node in an MRS cluster.
    • The ECS and the MRS cluster must be in the same VPC.
    • The ECS network interface controller (NIC) and the MRS cluster must be in the same network segment.

  2. Apply for an EIP, bind it, and configure an inbound or outbound rule for the security group.
  3. Download the client program. For details, see Downloading an MRS Client.





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