Commissioning Applications on Linux
After the code is developed, you can compile the code into a JAR file and upload it to a Linux environment for application function commissioning.
Before commissioning applications on Linux, you need to pre-install a client on the Linux node.
- In the Windows development environment IntelliJ IDEA, choose Maven Projects > JDBCExample > Lifecycle and perform the clean and package operations. After the compilation is complete, the JDBCExample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file is generated in the target directory.
- Run the following command to create the running directory in Linux:
mkdir -p /opt/hetuclient;
- Upload the JDBCExample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar package to the /opt/hetuclient directory in Linux.
- Download and decompress the client file FusionInsight_Cluster_Cluster ID_ HetuEngine_Client.tar by referring to Preparing an Operating Environment, obtain the JDBC drive package, and upload it to the /opt/hetuclient directory in the Linux environment.
To obtain the JDBC driver package:
Obtain the hetu-jdbc-*.jar file from the FusionInsight_Cluster_Cluster ID_HetuEngine_ClientConfig\HetuEngine\xxx\ directory.
Note: xxx can be arm or x86.
- Run the following command to go to the client installation directory:
cd /opt/client;
- Run the following command to configure environment variables:
source bigdata_env;
- Run the following command to debug the development program:
cd /opt/hetuclient;
java -classpath JDBCExample-*.jar:hetu-jdbc-*.jar com.huawei.hetu.className
- Replace the JDBC driver package name and class name with the actual ones, for example, java -classpath JDBCExample-*.jar:hetu-jdbc-*.jar com.huawei.hetu.JDBCExampleZk.
- If SSL authentication of ZooKeeper is enabled for the interconnected cluster, you need to add the following JVM configuration
The corresponding debugging command is as follows: java -cp JDBCExample-*.jar:hetu-jdbc-*.jar -Dzookeeper.clientCnxnSocket=org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty com.huawei.hetu.JDBCExampleZK
- Check whether the command output is normal.
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