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Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00

Basic Concepts

  • HSBroker: the HetuEngine proxy, which is used for tenant management verification and obtaining the URL for accessing HetuEngine
  • Coordinator: the coordinator of HetuEngine services, responsible for SQL parsing and optimization
  • Worker: responsible for task execution and data processing
  • Connector: an API for HetuEngine to access the database. Through the connector driver, HetuEngine connects to data sources, reads data source metadata, and operates data (adding, deletion, modification, and query).
  • Catalog: the catalog configuration file corresponds to a data source in HetuEngine. A data source can have multiple catalog configurations, which can be configured in the properties file of a data source.
  • Schema: corresponds a schema in a database.
  • Table: corresponds to a table name is a database.




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