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Checking Command

Updated on 2023-02-27 GMT+08:00

The dryrun option is used to check the correctness of a command. Add --dryrun in a command. The system prints the request message after verification. It does not call the target API.

hcloud RDS CreateConfiguration --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546" --datastore.type="MySQL" --datastore.version="5.7" --values.max_connections="10" --name="test-001" --description="test create configuration" --dryrun
-------- The execution is eliminated in dry-run mode. Current request: --------
POST https://rds.eu-west-101.myhuaweicloud.eu/v3/0dd8cb****************19b5a84546/configurations
Content-Type: application/json
X-Project-Id: 0dd8cb****************19b5a84546
X-Sdk-Date: 20220621T103331Z
Authorization: ****

  "datastore": {
    "type": "MySQL",
    "version": "5.7"
  "description": "test create configuration",
  "name": "test-001",
  "values": {
    "max_connections": "10"




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