Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00

Modifying Auto-Renewal

After enabling auto-renewal, you can change the renewal period and number of renewals. However, you cannot modify auto-renewal information for instances no longer available.


  1. Go to the Renewals page.
  2. On the Auto Renewals page, click Modify Auto-Renew in the Operation column for the desired instance.

    • The instances for which auto-renewal has been enabled are moved to the Auto Renewals page. Modify auto-renewal for these instances on the Auto Renewals page.
    • If the Modify Auto-Renew button is not displayed, click More and you can see the button.

  3. Renewal Option is Automatical by default, indicating that the system will automatically renew your instances upon expiration. You can change the auto-renewal period and number of auto-renewals.

    • New Auto-Renew Period: indicates how often an instance is automatically renewed.

      As shown in the preceding figure, if New Auto-Renew Period is changed to 3 months, the system automatically renews the subscription term every three months and charges the renewal fee for three months each time.

    • Reset Auto-renewals: By default, this option is not selected. You can select this option, and set the number of auto-renewals to Unlimited or the required value.
    • For instances for which auto-renewal has been enabled, you can view the auto-renewal period and remaining auto-renewal times on the Auto-Renewals tab.

  4. Click OK.