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[Hue Web UI] Failed to Access the Hue Web UI

Updated on 2023-09-05 GMT+08:00


The Hue web UI page fails to be opened.

Possible Causes

  • The port is not opened for external users.
  • The floating IP address is not correctly set.
  • Concurrent mass data query prolongs the query process, occupying the Hive link in Hue. As a result, Hue access is abnormal.

Fault Handling

  1. On the local server where the browser locates, run the telnet command in the command-line interface (CLI) to check whether the port is opened.
  2. Run ifconfig in the node where the Hue locates to check whether the floating IP address that is set takes effect.
  3. It takes about 10 minutes to rectify the fault.
  4. Check whether a large amount of data is queried at a time.


  1. Log in to the FusionInsight Manager portal.
  2. Click Cluster, click the name of the desired cluster, and choose Service > Hue. On the displayed page, click Instance to check whether the active/standby status of the Hue service is normal.

    • If the active/standby status is normal, go to 7.
    • If the active/standby status is abnormal, go to 3.

  3. Click Configurations and check whether configuration items HUE_FLOAT_IP and HTTP_PORT are correct.

    • If the configuration items are correct, go to 4.
    • If the configuration items are incorrect, correct the floating IP address and port number of the Hue service.

  4. Run the telnet Hue node IP address HTTP_PORT or telnet HUE_FLOAT_IP HTTP_PORT command on the service network to check whether the port is open to external systems.

    • If the port is open to external systems, check whether the port is correct and log in to the web UI again.
    • If the port is not open to external systems, go to 5.

  5. Choose Cluster, click the name of the desired cluster, and choose Service > Hue. On the displayed page, click Stop Service.
  6. Log in to the management node as user root and run the ping HUE_FLOAT_IP command to check whether the IP address can be pinged.

    • If the IP address can be pinged, the floating IP is in use. Configure another IP address.
    • If the IP address cannot be pinged, go to 7.

  7. Check whether a large amount of data is queried at a time.

    • If yes, optimize Hue query to avoid concurrent mass data query.
    • If no, go to 8.

  8. Contact O&M personnel.




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