Help Center/ ModelArts/ Troubleshooting/ Inference Deployment/ AI Application Management/ Creating an AI Application Failed Due to Image Building Timeout
Updated on 2024-06-11 GMT+08:00

Creating an AI Application Failed Due to Image Building Timeout


The AI application fails to be created. A message is displayed showing "Model image build task timed out" , and no detailed build log is generated.

Figure 1 Building the model image timed out

Possible Cause

ImagePacker has a timeout limit when building images. The default value is 30 minutes (which may vary in different regions). If building a model image times out, the building task will fail. In this case, the message "Model image build task timed out" is displayed, and no detailed build log is generated.


  • Prepare the dependency packages to be downloaded and built beforehand to save time. You can install the running environment dependency using an offline wheel package. When installing the offline wheel package, ensure that the wheel package and model file are stored in the same directory.
  • Optimize the model code to improve the efficiency of building model images.