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Viewing Website Hosting Settings

Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

You can call ObsClient.GetBucketWebsite to view the hosting settings of a bucket. Sample code is as follows:

// Initialize configuration parameters.
ObsConfig config = new ObsConfig();
config.Endpoint = "https://your-endpoint";
// Hard-coded or plaintext AK/SK are risky. For security purposes, encrypt your AK/SK and store them in the configuration file or environment variables. In this example, the AK/SK are stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this example, configure environment variables AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey.
// Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see https://support.huaweicloud.com/eu/usermanual-ca/ca_01_0003.html.
string accessKey= Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AccessKeyID", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine);
string secretKey= Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SecretAccessKey", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine);
// Create an instance of ObsClient.
ObsClient client = new ObsClient(accessKey, secretKey, config);
// View hosting settings.
    GetBucketWebsiteRequest request = new GetBucketWebsiteRequest();
    request.BucketName = "bucketname";
    GetBucketWebsiteResponse response = client.GetBucketWebsite(request);
    Console.WriteLine("GetBucketWebsite website configuration error document: {0}", response.Configuration.ErrorDocument);
    Console.WriteLine("GetBucketWebsite website configuration index document: {0}", response.Configuration.IndexDocument);
    Console.WriteLine("Get bucket website response: {0}", response.StatusCode);
catch (ObsException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode: {0}", ex.ErrorCode);
    Console.WriteLine("ErrorMessage: {0}", ex.ErrorMessage);




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