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Using ma-cli to Copy OBS Data

Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00

Run the ma-cli obs-copy [SRC] [DST] command to copy a local file to an OBS folder or an OBS file or folder to a local path.

$ma-cli obs-copy -h
Usage: ma-cli obs-copy [OPTIONS     ] SRC DST

  Copy file or directory between OBS and local path. Example:

  # Upload local file to OBS path
  ma-cli obs-copy ./test.zip obs://your-bucket/copy-data/

  # Upload local directory to OBS path
  ma-cli obs-copy ./test/ obs://your-bucket/copy-data/

  # Download OBS file to local path
  ma-cli obs-copy obs://your-bucket/copy-data/test.zip ./test.zip

  # Download OBS directory to local path
  ma-cli obs-copy obs://your-bucket/copy-data/ ./test/

  -d, --drop-last-dir     Whether to drop last directory when copy folder. if True, the last directory of the source folder will not copy to the destination folder.  [default: False]
  -C, --config-file PATH  Configure file path for authorization.
  -D, --debug             Debug Mode. Shows full stack trace when error occurs.
  -P, --profile TEXT      CLI connection profile to use. The default profile is "DEFAULT".
  -H, -h, --help          Show this message and exit.
Table 1 Parameters





-d / --drop-last-dir



If you specify this parameter, the last-level directory of the source folder will not be copied to the destination folder. This parameter is valid only for copying folders.


# Upload a file to OBS.

$ ma-cli obs-copy ./test.csv obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/
[ OK ] local src path: [ /home/ma-user/work/test.csv ]
[ OK ] obs dst path: [ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ ]

# Upload a folder to obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/data/.

$ ma-cli obs-copy /home/ma-user/work/data/ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/
[ OK ] local src path: [ /home/ma-user/work/data/ ]
[ OK ] obs dst path: [ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ ]

# Upload a folder to obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ with --drop-last-dir specified.

$ ma-cli obs-copy /home/ma-user/work/data/ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ --drop-last-dir
[ OK ] local src path: [ /home/ma-user/work/data ]
[ OK ] obs dst path: [ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ ]

# Download a folder from OBS to a local disk.

$ ma-cli obs-copy obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ ~/work/test-data/
[ OK ] obs src path: [ obs://${your_bucket}/test-copy/ ]
[ OK ] local dst path: [ /home/ma-user/work/test-data/ ]





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