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Checking the Commissioning Result

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00


The results can be viewed on the console after the Oozie sample project is completed.


The following information is displayed if the sample project is successful:

cluset status is false
Warning: Could not get charToByteConverterClass!
Workflow job submitted: 0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job running ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow job completed ...0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W
Workflow id[0000067-160729120057089-oozie-omm-W] status[SUCCEEDED]
-----------finish Oozie -------------------

Directory /user/developuser/examples/output-data/map-reduce is generated on the HDFS. The directory contains the following two files:

  • part-00000

You can view the files by using the file browser of the Hue or running the following commands on the HDFS:

hdfs dfs -ls /user/developuser/examples/output-data/map-reduce


In the Windows environment, the following exception may occur but does not affect services.

  java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.




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