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Application Commissioning

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00

Running the Alluxio Client and Viewing Results

  1. Run the mvn clean compile assembly:single command to generate a JAR file and obtain it from the target directory in the project directory, for example, alluxio-examples-mrs-1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
  2. Create a directory as the running directory in the running and commissioning environment, for example, /opt/alluxio_examples (Linux), and create the conf subdirectory in the directory.

    Copy alluxio-examples-mrs-1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar exported in 1 to /opt/alluxio_examples.

    Copy the configuration file /opt/client/Alluxio/alluxio/conf/alluxio-site.properties from the client to the conf directory.


    When the Alluxio cluster is started, each Alluxio server process (including the master and worker processes) attempts to read the alluxio-site.properties file from the ${CLASSPATH}, ${HOME}/.alluxio/, /etc/alluxio/, and ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf directories in sequence. When the alluxio-site.properties file is read in a directory, the remaining directories are skipped. Therefore, store the alluxio-site.properties file in an appropriate directory based on the site requirements.

  3. In Linux, run the sample program.

    chmod +x /opt/alluxio_examples -R 
    cd /opt/alluxio_examples
    java -jar alluxio-examples-mrs-1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar /testFlie.txt

  4. In the CLI, view the query results of the sample code.

    If the following information is displayed, the sample project execution is successful in Linux.
    hi, I am bigdata. It is successful if you can see me.





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