Updated on 2022-12-09 GMT+08:00

Viewing Ranger Audit Information

Ranger administrators can view audit logs about Ranger running and permission control audit logs after Ranger is used by components for authentication.

Viewing Ranger Audit Information

  1. Log in to the Ranger web UI as the Ranger administrator rangeradmin. For details, see Logging In to the Ranger Web UI.
  2. Choose Audit to view the audit information. For details about each tab page, see Table 1. If there are a large number of audit records, you can filter them in the search box by keyword.

    Table 1 Audit information




    Audit information about users' access to components after Ranger authentication.


    Audit information about operations on Ranger, such as creating, updating, and deleting security access policies, creating and deleting component permission policies, and creating, updating, and deleting roles.

    Login Sessions

    Session audit information about users who log in to Ranger.


    Component permission policy information in Ranger.

    Plugin Status

    Audit information about synchronization of the permission policy of each component node.

    User Sync

    Audit information about synchronization between Ranger and LDAP users.