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Interconnecting FlinkServer with HBase

Updated on 2023-01-11 GMT+08:00


FlinkServer can be interconnected with HBase. The details are as follows:

  • It can be interconnected with dimension tables and sink tables.
  • When HBase and Flink are in the same cluster or clusters with mutual trust, FlinkServer can be interconnected with HBase.
  • If HBase and Flink are in different clusters without mutual trust, Flink in a normal cluster can be interconnected with HBase in a normal cluster.


  • The HDFS, Yarn, Flink, and HBase services have been installed in a cluster.
  • The client that contains the HBase service has been installed, for example, in the /opt/Bigdata/client directory.
  • Log in to the HBase client by referring to Using an HBase Client and run the create'dim_province', "f1" command to create the dim_province table.


  1. Log in to the node where the client is installed as the client installation user and copy all configuration files in the /opt/Bigdata/client/HBase/hbase/conf/ directory of HBase to an empty directory of all nodes where FlinkServer is deployed, for example, /tmp/client/HBase/hbase/conf/.

    Change the owner of the configuration file directory and its upper-layer directory on the FlinkServer node to omm.

    chown omm: /tmp/client/HBase/ -R
    • FlinkServer nodes:

      Log in to Manager, choose Cluster > Services > Flink > Instance, and check the Service IP Address of FlinkServer.

    • If the node where a FlinkServer instance is located is the node where the HBase client is installed, skip this step on this node.

  2. Log in to Manager, choose Cluster > Services > Flink > Configurations > All Configurations, search for the HBASE_CONF_DIR parameter, and enter the FlinkServer directory (for example, /tmp/client/HBase/hbase/conf/) to which the HBase configuration files are copied in 1 in Value.


    If the node where a FlinkServer instance is located is the node where the HBase client is installed, enter the /opt/Bigdata/client/HBase/hbase/conf/ directory of HBase in Value of the HBASE_CONF_DIR parameter.

  3. After the parameters are configured, click Save. After confirming the modification, click OK.
  4. Click Instance, select all FlinkServer instances, choose More > Restart Instance, enter the password, and click OK to restart the instances.
  5. Log in to Manager and choose Cluster > Services > Flink. In the Basic Information area, click the link on the right of Flink WebUI to access the Flink web UI.
  6. Create a Flink SQL job and set Task Type to Stream job. For details, see Creating a Job. On the job development page, configure the job parameters as follows and start the job.

    Select Enable CheckPoint in Running Parameter and set Time Interval (ms) to 60000.

    The following example shows how to create a Flink SQL job:
    CREATE TABLE ksource1 (
    user_id STRING,
    item_id STRING,
    proctime as PROCTIME()
    ) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'ksource1',
    'properties.group.id' = 'group1',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'IP address of the Kafka broker instance 1:Kafka port number,IP address of the Kafka broker instance 2:Kafka port number',
    'format' = 'json',
    'properties.sasl.kerberos.service.name' = 'kafka',
    'properties.security.protocol' = 'SASL_PLAINTEXT',
    'properties.kerberos.domain.name' = 'hadoop.System domain name'
    CREATE TABLE hsink1 (
    rowkey STRING,
    f1 ROW < item_id STRING >,
    ) WITH (
    'connector' = 'hbase-2.2',
    'table-name' = 'dim_province',
    'zookeeper.quorum' = 'IP address of the ZooKeeper quorumpeer instance 1:ZooKeeper port number'IP address of the ZooKeeper quorumpeer instance 2:ZooKeeper port number'
    user_id as rowkey,
    ROW(item_id) as f1
    • System domain name: You can log in to FusionInsight Manager, choose System > Permission > Domain and Mutual Trust, and check the value of Local Domain. hadoop.<System domain name> indicates the username. All letters in the system domain name are lowercase letters.
    • IP address of the ZooKeeper quorumpeer instance

      To obtain IP addresses of all ZooKeeper quorumpeer instances, log in to FusionInsight Manager and choose Cluster > Services > ZooKeeper. On the displayed page, click Instance and view the IP addresses of all the hosts where the quorumpeer instances locate.

    • Port number of the ZooKeeper client

      Log in to FusionInsight Manager and choose Cluster > Service > ZooKeeper. On the displayed page, click Configurations and check the value of clientPort.

  7. On the job management page, check whether the job status is Running.
  8. Execute the following script to write data to Kafka. For details, see Managing Messages in Kafka Topics.

    sh kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list IP address of the node where the Kafka instance locates:Kafka port number --topic Topic name

    For example, if the topic name is ksource1, the script is sh kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list IP address of the node where the Kafka instance locates:Kafka port number --topic ksource1.

    Enter the message content.
    {"user_id": "3","item_id":"333333"},
    {"user_id": "4","item_id":"44444444"}

    Press Enter to send the message.

  9. Log in to the HBase client and view the table data. For details, see Using an HBase Client.

    hbase shell

    scan 'dim_province'

Submitting a Job Using the Application

  • If the Flink run mode is used, you are advised to use the export HBASE_CONF_DIR= HBase configuration directory, for example, export HBASE_CONF_DIR=/opt/hbaseconf.
  • If the Flink run-application mode is used, you can use either of the following methods to submit jobs:
    • (Recommended) Add the following configurations to a table creation statement.



      'properties.hbase.rpc.protection' = 'authentication'

      This parameter must be consistent with that on the HBase server.

      'properties.hbase.security.authorization' = 'true'

      Authentication is enabled.

      'properties.hbase.security.authentication' = 'kerberos'

      Kerberos authentication is enabled.

      CREATE TABLE hsink1 (
           rowkey STRING,
           f1 ROW < q1 STRING >,
           PRIMARY KEY (rowkey) NOT ENFORCED
          ) WITH (
            'connector' = 'hbase-2.2',
            'table-name' = 'cc',
            'zookeeper.quorum' = 'x.x.x.x:clientPort',
            'properties.hbase.rpc.protection' = 'authentication',
            'properties.zookeeper.znode.parent' = '/hbase',
            'properties.hbase.security.authorization' = 'true',
            'properties.hbase.security.authentication' = 'kerberos'
    • Add the HBase configuration to YarnShip.

      Example: Dyarn.ship-files=/opt/hbaseconf





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