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Uploading a Certificate
This API is used to upload a certificate.
POST /v1/{project_id}/waf/certificate
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID. To obtain it, go to Cloud management console and hover the cursor over your username. On the displayed window, choose My Credentials.Then, in the Projects area, view Project ID of the corresponding project. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
enterprise_project_id |
No |
String |
You can obtain the ID by calling the ListEnterpriseProject API of EPS. |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API (value of X-Subject-Token in the response header). |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
Content type. Default: application/json;charset=utf8 |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
name |
Yes |
String |
Certificate name. The value can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Only digits, letters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.) are allowed. |
content |
Yes |
String |
Certificate file. Only certificates and private key files in PEM format are supported, and the newline characters in the file must be replaced with \n. |
key |
Yes |
String |
Certificate private key. Only certificates and private key files in PEM format are supported, and the newline characters in the files must be replaced with \n. |
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Certificate ID |
name |
String |
Certificate name |
content |
String |
Certificate file, PEM encoding |
key |
String |
Private key of the certificate, which is in PEM format. |
expire_time |
Long |
Certificate expiration timestamp |
exp_status |
Integer |
Certificate status. The options can be: 0: The certificate has not expired. 1: The certificate expired. 2: The certificate is about to expire. |
timestamp |
Long |
Certificate upload timestamp |
bind_host |
Array of BindHost objects |
Domain name associated with the certificate |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Domain name ID |
hostname |
String |
Domain name |
waf_type |
String |
Deployment mode of WAF instance that is used for the domain name. The value can be cloud for cloud WAF or premium for dedicated WAF instances. |
mode |
String |
This parameter is required only by the dedicated mode. |
Status code: 400
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
error_code |
String |
Error code |
error_msg |
String |
Error message |
Status code: 401
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
error_code |
String |
Error code |
error_msg |
String |
Error message |
Status code: 500
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
error_code |
String |
Error code |
error_msg |
String |
Error message |
Example Requests
The following example shows how to create a certificate in the project whose project ID is project_id. The certificate name is demo, the certificate content is -------BEGIN CERTIFICATIONATE-----..., and the certificate key is -------BEGIN Private KEY------.......
POST https://{Endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/waf/certificate?enterprise_project_id=0 { "name" : "demo", "content" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- \\nMIIDyzCCArOgAwIBAgIJAN5U0Z4Bh5ccMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHwxCzAJBgNV BAYTAlpIMRIwEAYDVQQIDAlHVUFOR0RPTkcxETAPBgNVBAcMCERPTkdHVUFOMQ0w CwYDVQQKDARERUtFMQswCQYDVQQLDAJESzELMAkGA1UEAwwCT0QxHTAbBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQEWDk8IZC5odWF3ZWkuY29tMB4XDTIxMTExNTA4MTk0MVoXDTIyMTExNTA4 MTk0MVowfDELMAkGA1UEBhMCWkgxEjAQBgNVBAgMCUdVQU5HRE9ORzERMA8GA1UE BwwIRE9OR0dVQU4xDTALBgNVBAoMBERFS0UxCzAJBgNVBAsMAkRLMQswCQYDVQQD DAJPRDEdMBsGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYOTwhkLmh1YXdlaS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDcoLFK62//r0RHFyweYBj97S4NsJ8Qj0RG+Y02 OgwhQmRiNNjubJwP8Nqqyd86zr+fsSQxKBaBCosn1PcN2Pj2vPJD6NEk4I6VdOWr /kFYMlOcimhSfW4wt6VakniOKIYGrCxxvQe1X2OyBxT+ocTLRgEIB8ZbvJyPNseg feLEUuPYRpQ5kXLgJH2/3NwZFOgBHVv/b07l4fR+sWJMnIA2yIjSBQ0DEAOSusXo FQ/WRbBRH7DrQmxGiXsq4VELEr9Nnc/Kywq+9pYi8L+mKeRL+lcMMbXC/3k6OfMB tVTiwcmS1Mkr3iG03i8u6H7RSvRwyBz9G9sE+tmJZTPH6lYtAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0G A1UdDgQWBBQprUUFXW+gIkpzXdrYlsWjfSahWjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQprUUFXW+g IkpzXdrYlsWjfSahWjAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQA2 603KozsQoIKeLvqDJlcAXwWRfNW8SvlaSJAulhHgneMt9bQgIL+3PJWA/iMniOhU o/kVwkiUIcxw4t7RwP0hVms0OZw59MuqKd3oCSWkYO4vEHs3t40JDWnGDnmQ4sol RkOWJwL4w8tnPe3qY9JSupjlsu6Y1hlvKtEfN2vEKFnsuMhidkUpUAJWodHhWBQH wgIDo4/6yTnWZNGK8JDal86Dm5IchXea1EoYBJsHxiJb7HeWQlkre+MCYi1RHOin 4mIXTr0oT4/jWlgklSz6/ZhGRq+7W7tIl7cvzCe+4XsVZIenAcYoNd/WLfo91PD4 yAsRXrOjW1so1Bj0BkDz\\n -----END CERTIFICATE-----", "key" : "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- \\nMIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQDcoLFK62//r0RH FyweYBj97S4NsJ8Qj0RG+Y02OgwhQmRiNNjubJwP8Nqqyd86zr+fsSQxKBaBCosn 1PcN2Pj2vPJD6NEk4I6VdOWr/kFYMlOcimhSfW4wt6VakniOKIYGrCxxvQe1X2Oy BxT+ocTLRgEIB8ZbvJyPNsegfeLEUuPYRpQ5kXLgJH2/3NwZFOgBHVv/b07l4fR+ sWJMnIA2yIjSBQ0DEAOSusXoFQ/WRbBRH7DrQmxGiXsq4VELEr9Nnc/Kywq+9pYi 8L+mKeRL+lcMMbXC/3k6OfMBtVTiwcmS1Mkr3iG03i8u6H7RSvRwyBz9G9sE+tmJ ZTPH6lYtAgMBAAECggEBAL+xZxm/QoqXT+2stoqV2GEYaMFASpRqxlocjZMmEE/9 jZa+cBWIjHhVPsjRqYFBDcHEebu0JwlrjcjIAvgnIvnO5XgXm1A9Q+WbscokmcX1 xCvpHgc+MDVn+uWdCd4KW5kEk4EnSsFN5iNSf+1VxNURN+gwSSp/0E+muwA5IISO G6HQ+p6qs52JAitX5t/7ruKoHYXJxBnf7TUs7768qrh++KPKpPlq044qoYlcGO1n 4urPBHuNLy04GgGw+vkaqjqOvZrNLVOMMaFWBxsDWBehgSSBQTj+f3NCxneGYtt8 3SCTZQI5nIkb+r/M455EwKTSXuEsNHoIwx7L6GEPbQECgYEA8IxgK2fYykloICoh TFJaRAvyjyKa2+Aza4qT9SGY9Y30VPClPjBB1vUu5M9KrFufzlv06nGEcHmpEwOe 8vbRu7nLAQTGYFi8VK63q8w6FlFdAyCG6Sx+BWCfWxJzXsZLAJTfklwi8HsOSlqh 6QNv0xbE2fLjXKf8MHvtrufip40CgYEA6sy87eDrkVgtq4ythAik3i1C5Z3v0fvx mTblG52Z21OyocNq3Tf/b1ZwoIc1ik6cyBzY6z1bIrbSzArCqm0sb2iD+kJL81O0 /qqdXjBxZUkKiVAMNNp7xJGZHHFKWUxT2+UX/tlyx4tT4dzrFIkdDXkcMmqfsRxd 1NEVaAaT8SECgYAoU7BPtpIun43YTpfUfr3pSIN6oZeKoxSbw9i4MNC+4fSDRPC+ 80ImcmZRL7taF+Y7p0jxAOTuIkdJC8NbAiv5J9WzrwQ+5MF2BPB/2bYnRa6tNofH kZDy/9bXYsl6qw2p5Ety8wVcgZTMvFMGiG/32IpZ65FYWEU8L5qSRwfFhQKBgQC9 ihjZTj/bTHtRiHZppzCvyYm/Igd+Uwtsy0uXR1n0G1SQENgrTBD/J6AzdfJae6tE P0U8YIM5Oqxf2i/as9ay+IPRecMl4eSxz7jJWAGx6Yx/3AZ+hAB1ZbNbqniCLYNk d0MvjwmA25ATO+ro4OZ7AdEpQbk3l9aG/WFyYBz9AQKBgQCucFPA1l5eslL8196V WMr2Qo0tqzl7CGSoWQk2Sa2HZtZdfofXAaaqo+zvJ6RPHtJh0jgJtx536DVV3egI 37YrdQyJbCPZXQ3SPgqWCorUnXBwq/nxS06uwu6JBxUFc57ijmMU4fWYNrvkkmWb 7keAg/r5Uy1joMAvBN1I6lB8pg==\\n -----END PRIVATE KEY-----" }
Example Responses
Status code: 200
{ "id" : "64af92e2087d49cbabc233e9bdc761b7", "name" : "testly", "timestamp" : 1658994431596, "expire_time" : 1682394560000 }
Status Codes
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Request failed. |
401 |
The token does not have required permissions. |
500 |
Internal server error. |
Error Codes
See Error Codes.
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