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What Should I Do If invalid input syntax for integer: "true" Is Displayed During MySQL Database Migration?

Updated on 2022-09-15 GMT+08:00


The MySQL database stores values 0 and 1, rather than true and false. However, true or false is read during MySQL database migration, and the following error information is displayed: Unable to execute the SQL statement. Cause: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "true" Where: COPY sd_mask_ext, line 1, column mask_type.

Possible Cause

By default, tinyInt1isBit is set to true for MySQL databases. As a result, TINYINT(1) is processed as BIT (that is, Types.BOOLEAN), and 1 or 0 is read as true or false.


In the advanced attributes of the MySQL link, add either of the following parameters so that tables can be properly created at the destination:

  • Parameter tinyInt1isBit, with its value set to false
  • Parameter mysql.bool.type.transform, with its value set to false
    Figure 1 Adding link attributes




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