Oozie Client Configurations
This section describes how to use the Oozie client in an O&M scenario or service scenario. Oozie can be used to submit a wide array of jobs, such as Hive, Spark2x, Loader, MapReduce, Java, DistCp, Shell, HDFS, SSH, SubWorkflow, Streaming, and scheduled jobs.
- The client has been installed. For example, the installation directory is /opt/client. The client directory in the following operations is only an example. Replace it with the actual installation directory.
- Service users of each component are created by the MRS cluster administrator based on service requirements. In security mode, machine-machine users need to download the keytab file. A human-machine user must change the password upon the first login.
Using the Oozie Client
- Log in to the node where the client is installed as the client installation user.
- Run the following command to switch to the client installation directory (change it to the actual installation directory):
cd /opt/client
- Run the following command to configure environment variables:
source bigdata_env
- Check the cluster authentication mode.
- If the cluster is in security mode, run the following command to authenticate the user: exampleUser indicates the name of the user who submits tasks.
kinit exampleUser
- If the cluster is in normal mode, go to 5.
- If the cluster is in security mode, run the following command to authenticate the user: exampleUser indicates the name of the user who submits tasks.
- Perform the following operations to configure Hue:
- Configure the Spark2x environment (skip this step if the Spark2x task is not involved):
hdfs dfs -put /opt/client/Spark2x/spark/jars/*.jar /user/oozie/share/lib/spark2x/
When the JAR package in the HDFS directory /user/oozie/share changes, you need to restart the Oozie service.
- Upload the Oozie configuration file and JAR package to HDFS.
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/exampleUser
hdfs dfs -put -f /opt/client/Oozie/oozie-client-*/examples /user/exampleUser/
- exampleUser indicates the name of the user who submits tasks.
- If the user who submits the task and other files except job.properties are not changed, client installation directory Oozie/oozie-client-*/examples can be repeatedly used after being uploaded to HDFS.
- Resolve the JAR file conflict between Spark and Yarn about Jetty.
hdfs dfs -rm -f /user/oozie/share/lib/spark/jetty-all-9.2.22.v20170606.jar
- In normal mode, if Permission denied is displayed during the upload, run the following commands:
su - omm
source /opt/client/bigdata_env
hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /user/oozie
- Configure the Spark2x environment (skip this step if the Spark2x task is not involved):
- Submit a MapReduce job on the Oozie client.
- Modify the task execution configuration file.
cd /opt/client/Oozie/oozie-client-*/examples/apps/map-reduce/
vi job.properties
nameNode=hdfs://hacluster resourceManager= ( is the service plane IP address of the YARN resourceManager (active) node, and 8032 is the port number of yarn.resourcemanager.port) queueName=default examplesRoot=examples user.name=admin oozie.wf.application.path=${nameNode}/user/${user.name}/${examplesRoot}/apps/map-reduce# HDFS upload path outputDir=map-reduce oozie.wf.rerun.failnodes=true
- Execute the Oozie job.
oozie job -oozie https://Host name of the Oozie role:21003/oozie/ -config job.properties -run
21003 is the running port of Oozie HTTPS requests. To view the port, log in to FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster > Services > Oozie and click the Configuration tab. Search for OOZIE_HTTPS_PORT.
[root@kwephispra44947 map-reduce]# oozie job -oozie https://kwephispra44948:21003/oozie/ -config job.properties -run ...... job: 0000000-200730163829770-oozie-omm-W
- Log in to FusionInsight Manager, click Cluster, click the name of the desired cluster, and choose Services > Oozie. Click the hyperlink next to Oozie WebUI to go to the Oozie web UI and view the task execution result.
Figure 1 Task execution result
- Modify the task execution configuration file.
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