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Data preparation for the sample table in this document
Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00
Data preparation for the sample table in this document
-- Create a table containing TINYINT data: CREATETABLE int_type_t1 (IT_COL1 TINYINT) ; --Insert data of the TINYINT type. insert into int_type_t1 values (TINYINT'10'); -- Create a table containing DECIMAL data: CREATE TABLE decimal_t1 (dec_col1 DECIMAL(10,3)) ; – Insert data of the DECIMAL type: insert into decimal_t1 values (DECIMAL '5.325' ); create table array_tb(col1 array<int>,col2 array<array<int>>); create table row_tb(col1 row(a int,b varchar)); -- Create a Map table. create table map_tb(col1 MAP<STRING,INT>); -- Insert a piece of data of the Map type. insert into map_tb values(MAP(ARRAY['foo','bar'],ARRAY[1,2])); --Query data. select * from map_tb; -- {bar=2, foo=1} -- Create a ROW table. create table row_tb (id int,col1 row(a int,b varchar)); -- Insert data of the ROW type. insert into row_tb values (1,ROW(1,'SSS')); --Query data. select * from row_tb; -- id | col1 ----|-------------- 1 | {a=1, b=SSS} select col1.b from row_tb; -- SSS select col1[1] from row_tb; -- 1 -- Creating a STRUCT table. create table struct_tab (id int,col1 struct<col2: integer, col3: string>); -- Insert data of the STRUCT type. insert into struct_tab VALUES(1, struct<2, 'test'>); --Query data. select * from struct_tab; -- id | col1 ----|--------------------- 1 | {col2=2, col3=test} -- Creating a schema named "web": CREATE SCHEMA web; --Create a schema named sales in the Hive data source: CREATE SCHEMA hive.sales; -- Creating a schema named traffic, if it does not exist: CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS traffic; -- Create a new table orders and use the WITH clause to specify the storage format, storage location, and whether the table is an external table. CREATE TABLE orders ( orderkey bigint, orderstatus varchar, totalprice double, orderdate date ) WITH (format = 'ORC', location='/user',external=true); -- If the orders table does not exist, create the orders table and add table comments and column comments: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS new_orders ( orderkey bigint, orderstatus varchar, totalprice double COMMENT 'Price in cents.', orderdate date ) COMMENT 'A table to keep track of orders.'; -- Create the bigger_orders table using the column definition of the orders table: CREATE TABLE bigger_orders ( another_orderkey bigint, LIKE orders, another_orderdate date ); CREATE SCHEMA hive.web WITH (location = 'hdfs://hacluster/user'); --Create a partitioned table. CREATE TABLE hive.web.page_views ( view_time timestamp, user_id bigint, page_url varchar, ds date, country varchar ) WITH ( format = 'ORC', partitioned_by = ARRAY['ds', 'country'], bucketed_by = ARRAY['user_id'], bucket_count = 50 ); --Insert an empty partition. CALL system.create_empty_partition( schema_name => 'web', table_name => 'page_views', partition_columns => ARRAY['ds', 'country'], partition_values => ARRAY['2020-07-17', 'US']); CALL system.create_empty_partition( schema_name => 'web', table_name => 'page_views', partition_columns => ARRAY['ds', 'country'], partition_values => ARRAY['2020-07-18', 'US']); --Insert data. insert into hive.web.page_views values(timestamp '2020-07-17 23:00:15',bigint '15141','',date '2020-07-17','US' ); insert into hive.web.page_views values(timestamp '2020-07-17 23:00:16',bigint '15142','',date '2020-07-17','US' ); insert into hive.web.page_views values(timestamp '2020-07-18 23:00:18',bigint '18148','',date '2020-07-18','US' ); -- Delete all data in the partition specified by the WHERE clause from the partitioned table. delete from hive.web.page_views where ds=date '2020-07-17' and country='US'; --Run the following statement to create the orders_column_aliased table based on the query result of a specified column: CREATE TABLE orders_column_aliased (order_date, total_price) AS SELECT orderdate, totalprice FROM orders; --Create the orders_by_data table based on the summary result of the orders table. CREATE TABLE orders_by_date COMMENT 'Summary of orders by date' WITH (format = 'ORC') AS SELECT orderdate, sum(totalprice) AS price FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate; --If the orders_by_date table does not exist, create the orders_by_date table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders_by_date AS SELECT orderdate, sum(totalprice) AS price FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate; --Create the empty_orders table using the schema that is the same as that of the nation table but does not contain data: CREATE TABLE empty_orders AS SELECT * FROM orders WITH NO DATA; --Create a view named test_view in the orders table: CREATE VIEW test_view (oderkey comment 'orderId',orderstatus comment 'status',half comment 'half') AS SELECT orderkey, orderstatus, totalprice / 2 AS half FROM orders; --Create the orders_by_date_view view based on the summary result of the orders table. CREATE VIEW orders_by_date_view AS SELECT orderdate, sum(totalprice) AS price FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate; --Create a new view to replace the existing view: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view AS SELECT orderkey, orderstatus, totalprice / 4 AS quarter FROM orders; --Modify the definition of an existing table. --Data preparation. create table users (id int,name varchar); --Change the table name from users to people: ALTER TABLE users RENAME TO people; --Add the zip column to the people table: ALTER TABLE people ADD COLUMN zip varchar; --Delete the zip column from the people table: ALTER TABLE people DROP COLUMN zip; --change the column name id in the people table to user_id: ALTER TABLE people RENAME COLUMN id TO user_id; create table testfordrop(name varchar); --CreatE a view. create view orders_by_date as select * from orders; --Set the comment information of a table. You can delete the comment by setting the comment information to NULL. COMMENT ON TABLE people IS 'master table'; --create a table with the column id and name: CREATE TABLE example AS SELECT * FROM ( VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c') ) AS t (id, name); --Create the fruit and fruit_copy tables: create table fruit (name varchar,price double); create table fruit_copy (name varchar,price double); --Insert a row of data into the fruit table: insert into fruit values('LIchee',32); --Insert multiple lines of data into the fruit table: insert into fruit values('banana',10),('peach',6),('lemon',12),('apple',7); --Load the data lines in the fruit table to the fruit_copy table. After the execution, there are five records in the table. insert into fruit_copy select * from fruit; --Clear the fruit_copy table, and then load the data in the fruit table to the table. After the execution, there are two records in the fruit_copy table. insert overwrite fruit_copy select * from fruit limit 2; --Create a shipping table: create table shipping(origin_state varchar(25),origin_zip integer,destination_state varchar(25) ,destination_zip integer,package_weight integer); --Insert data. insert into shipping values ('California',94131,'New Jersey',8648,13), ('California',94131,'New Jersey',8540,42), ('California',90210,'Connecticut',6927,1337), ('California',94131,'Colorado',80302,5), ('New York',10002,'New Jersey',8540,3), ('New Jersey',7081,'Connecticut',6708,225); --Create a table and insert data into the table. create table cookies_log (cookieid varchar,createtime date,pv int); insert into cookies_log values ('cookie1',date '2020-07-10',1), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-11',5), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-12',7), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-13',3), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-14',2), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-15',4), ('cookie1',date '2020-07-16',4), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-10',2), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-11',3), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-12',5), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-13',6), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-14',3), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-15',9), ('cookie2',date '2020-07-16',7); --Create a table. create table new_shipping (origin_state varchar,origin_zip varchar,packages int ,total_cost int); --Insert data. insert into new_shipping values ('California','94131',25,100), ('California','P332a',5,72), ('California','94025',0,155), ('New Jersey','08544',225,490); --Create a data table and insert data. create table salary (dept varchar, userid varchar, sal double); insert into salary values ('d1','user1',1000),('d1','user2',2000),('d1','user3',3000),('d2','user4',4000),('d2','user5',5000); -- Prepare data. create table cookie_views( cookieid varchar,createtime timestamp,url varchar); insert into cookie_views values ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:00:02','url20'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:00:00','url10'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:03:04','urll3'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:50:05','url60'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 11:00:00','url70'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:10:00','url40'), ('cookie1',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:50:01','url50'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:00:02','url23'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:00:00','url11'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:03:04','url33'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:50:05','url66'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 11:00:00','url77'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:10:00','url47'), ('cookie2',timestamp '2020-07-10 10:50:01','url55'); CREATE TABLE visit_summaries ( visit_date date, hll varbinary); insert into visit_summaries select createtime,cast(approx_set(cookieid) as varbinary) from cookies_log group by createtime; CREATE TABLE nation (name varchar, regionkey integer); insert into nation values ('ETHIOPIA',0), ('MOROCCO',0), ('ETHIOPIA',0), ('KENYA',0), ('ALGERIA',0), ('MOZAMBIQUE',0); CREATE TABLE region ( name varchar, regionkey integer); insert into region values ('ETHIOPIA',0), ('MOROCCO',0), ('ETHIOPIA',0), ('KENYA',0), ('ALGERIA',0), ('MOZAMBIQUE',0);
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