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Bitwise Function

Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00
  • bit_count(x, bits) → bigint

    Calculate the number of bits set in x (regarded as an integer with a signed bit) in the complementary code representation of 2.

    SELECT bit_count(9, 64); -- 2
    SELECT bit_count(9, 8); -- 2
    SELECT bit_count(-7, 64); -- 62
    SELECT bit_count(-7, 8); -- 6
  • bitwise_and(x, y) → bigint

    Returns the bitwise AND result of x and y in binary complement.

    select bitwise_and(8, 7); -- 0
  • bitwise_not(x) → bigint

    Returns the result of x bitwise NOT in binary complement.

    select bitwise_not(8);-- -9
  • bitwise_or(x, y) → bigint

    Returns the bitwise OR result of x and y in binary complement.

    select bitwise_or(8,7);-- 15
  • bitwise_xor(x, y) → bigint

    Returns the bitwise XOR result of x and y in binary complementary code format.

    Refer to bitwise_and_agg() and bitwise_or_agg() in Aggregate Function.





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