Help Center/ CodeArts Artifact/ FAQs/ Self-Hosted Repo/ Why Can't the Repository Receive Requests?
Updated on 2023-11-28 GMT+08:00

Why Can't the Repository Receive Requests?


Local build task fails, Connection reset is displayed, and the log information similar to the following is displayed.

Cause Analysis

The Java version is too early and does not support TLS 1.2.


  • If Java 6 is used, upgrade it to Java 8 or later.
  • If Java 7 is used, TLS 1.2 is supported. However, TLS 1.2 is not supported in versions earlier than 1.7.0_131-b31. You can run the following command to enable TLS 1.2:
    mvn -Dhttps.protocols= TLSv1.2 <goals>

    You can also add the following command to your environment or build script.

    export MAVEN_OPTS=-Dhttps.protocols= TLSv1.2