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Hi1822 Offload Cards (for BMSs with SDI 2.2)

Updated on 2022-09-09 GMT+08:00


If the BMS uses SDI 2.2 cards, you need to install the Hi1822 driver on the VM. The following uses EulerOS 2.3 as an example.


  • You have logged in to the VM.
  • You have obtained the Hi1822 driver installation package and management software and uploaded them to the VM.

    Perform the following operations to obtain the package.

    1. Download the .zip package as instructed in Software.
    2. The following uses Hi1822_BM_X86_1.19.3.B036.tar.gz as an example to describe how to obtain the required installation package.

      Download and decompress the Hi1822_BM_X86_1.19.3.B036.tar.gz driver package, and obtain the .rpm package kmod-hinic- based on the OS type and kernel version.


  1. Check whether the hinic driver exists.

    rpm -qa | grep hinic

    • If yes, go to 2.
    • If no, go to 3.
  2. Uninstall the hinic driver.

    rpm -e kmod-hinic

    rmmod hinic

  3. Go to the directory where the .rpm installation package is stored and run the following command to install it:

    rpm -ivh kmod-hinic-

  4. Run the modprobe hinic command to load the latest Hi1822 driver.




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