Log Tank Service
Log Tank Service
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Log Management
Log Ingestion
Ingesting Cloud Service Logs to LTS
- Ingesting AOM Logs to LTS
- Ingesting APIG Logs to LTS
- Ingesting BMS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CBH Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CCE Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CFW Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CTS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GaussDB(DWS) Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ECS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ELB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting Enterprise Router Logs to LTS
- Ingesting FunctionGraph Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ModelArts Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SMN Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SecMaster Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Containerized Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Cloud Host Logs to LTS
- Ingesting VPC Logs to LTS
- Ingesting WAF Logs to LTS
- Using APIs to Ingest Logs to LTS
- Other Ingestion Modes
- Setting ICAgent Structuring Parsing Rules
Ingesting Cloud Service Logs to LTS
- Host Management
Log Search and Analysis
- Overview
- Setting Cloud Structuring Parsing
- Setting Indexes
- Searching Logs
- Viewing Real-Time Logs
- Analyzing Logs in LTS
SQL Analysis Syntax
- Overview
- SQL Aggregate Functions
- SQL Period-over-Period Functions
- SQL JSON Functions
- SQL IP Functions
- SQL Mathematical Functions
- SQL Time Functions
- SQL Extrema Functions
- SQL String Functions
- SQL SPLIT Functions
- SQL Comparison Operators
- SQL IP Address Functions
- SQL Reduction Functions
- Other SQL Functions
- SQL JOIN Syntax
- SQL Query Example
Log Visualization
- Overview
- Visualizing Logs in Statistical Charts
Visualizing Logs in Dashboards
- Creating a Dashboard
- Adding a Dashboard Filter
Dashboard Templates
- APIG Dashboard Templates
- CCE Dashboard Templates
- CDN Dashboard Templates
- CFW Dashboard Templates
- CSE Dashboard Templates
- DCS Dashboard Template
- DDS Dashboard Template
- DMS Dashboard Template
- DSL Dashboard Template
- ER Dashboard Template
- METRIC Dashboard Template
- Nginx Dashboard Templates
- VPC Dashboard Template
- WAF Dashboard Templates
- Log Alarms
- Log Transfer
- Log Processing
- Configuration Center
- API Reference
- Best Practices
- Overview
- Consultation
Host Management
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Installation Fails in Windows and the Message "SERVICE STOP" Is Displayed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Upgrade Fails on the LTS Console?
- What Do I Do If I Could Not Query New Logs on LTS?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Restarts Repeatedly After Being Installed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Is Displayed as Offline on the LTS Console After Installation?
- What Do I Do If I Do Not See a Host with ICAgent Installed on the LTS Console?
- How Do I Create a VPC Endpoint on the VPCEP Console?
- How Do I Obtain an AK/SK Pair?
- How Do I Install ICAgent by Creating an Agency?
Log Ingestion
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Host Log Ingestion?
- Will LTS Stop Collecting Logs After the Free Quota Is Used Up If I Disable "Continue to Collect Logs When the Free Quota Is Exceeded" in AOM?
- What Do I Do If the CPU Usage Is High When ICAgent Is Collecting Logs?
- What Kinds of Logs and Files Does LTS Collect?
- How Do I Disable the Function of Collecting CCE Standard Output Logs to AOM on the LTS Console?
- How Long Does It Take to Generate Logs After Configuring Log Ingestion?
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Log Ingestion with ICAgent?
- Log Search and Analysis
- Log Transfer
- SDK Reference
- Videos
On this page
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Analyzing Application Run Logs (in Log4j Format)
Updated on 2023-04-12 GMT+08:00
Log4j is Apache's open-source project used for logging. We can calculate the number and proportion of logs at different levels, or gather statistics on services from run logs.
For example, you can know the transaction volume of an offering on a day from logs such as the following:
2020-12-28_21:10:48.081 [http-nio-8083-exec-6] INFO discounted shoes - num is :9
- Log in to the LTS console and choose Log Ingestion in the navigation pane.
- Click Ingest Log in the upper right corner.
- On the Select Ingestion Type page, select Host.
- Select a log stream.
- Select a log group from the drop-down list of Log Group. If there are no desired log groups, click Create Log Group to create one.
- Select a log stream from the drop-down list of Log Stream. If there are no desired log streams, click Create Log Stream to create one.
- Click Next: Select Host Group.
- Select host groups.
- Select one or more host groups from which you want to collect logs. If there are no desired host groups, click Create above the host group list to create one. For details, see "Managing Host Groups".
You can choose not to select a host group in this step, but associate a host group with the ingestion configuration after you finish the procedure here. To do this, either:
- Choose Host Management in the navigation pane, click the Host Groups tab, and make the association, or
- Choose Log Ingestion in the navigation pane, click an ingestion configuration, and make the association on the details page.
- Click Next: Collection Configuration.
- Select one or more host groups from which you want to collect logs. If there are no desired host groups, click Create above the host group list to create one. For details, see "Managing Host Groups".
- Configure the collection.
- Configure the collection parameters. For details, see "Configuring Collection".
- Click Submit.
- On the log stream details page, choose Log Configuration in the navigation pane and click the Log Structuring tab. On the page displayed, select Regular Expressions, select a log event, and extract four fields: Time1, ThreadName, Level, and Message, as shown in Figure 1.
- On the log stream details page, click Visualization and run SQL queries. For details about how to visualize query results, see "Log Structuring".
- To query the error type distribution in the last seven days, run the following SQL statement:
SELECT Level, count(*) as Number group by Level
Figure 2 Error type distribution - To query the running threads in the last 5 minutes, set the time range to Last 5 minutes and run the following SQL statement:
SELECT distinct(ThreadName)
Figure 3 Running threads - To query the total transaction volume of a product, run the following SQL statement:
SELECT sum(cast(regexp_extract(Message, 'num is\s:(?<Total>[\d]+)', 1) as double)) as Total WHERE Message like '%shoes%'
The query looks for fuzzy match, and the following is an example query result.
Figure 4 Total transaction volume
- To query the error type distribution in the last seven days, run the following SQL statement:
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