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Help Center/ Enterprise Router/ Best Practices/ Setting Up a Hybrid Cloud Network Using Enterprise Router and a Pair of Direct Connect Connections (Global DC Gateway)/ Process of Setting Up a Hybrid Cloud Network Using Enterprise Router and a Pair of Direct Connect Connections (Global DC Gateway)

Process of Setting Up a Hybrid Cloud Network Using Enterprise Router and a Pair of Direct Connect Connections (Global DC Gateway)

Updated on 2024-12-09 GMT+08:00

Table 1 describes the overall process of setting up a hybrid cloud network using an enterprise router and a pair of Direct Connect connections that work in load balancing mode.

Table 1 Process of setting up a hybrid cloud network



Step 1: Create Cloud Resources

  1. Create an enterprise router. (Only one enterprise router is required in the same region.)
  2. Create a service VPC with a subnet.
  3. Create an ECS in the subnet of the service VPC.

Step 2: Attach the VPC to the Enterprise Router

  1. Attach the service VPC to the enterprise router.
  2. In the VPC route table, add a route with the enterprise router as the next hop and the on-premises network CIDR block as the destination.

Step 3: Attach the Global DC Gateways to the Enterprise Router

  1. Establish connectivity using one connection and verify connectivity.
    1. Create a Direct Connect connection to connect the on-premises data center to the cloud over a line you lease from a carrier.
    2. Create a global DC gateway.
    3. Create a virtual interface to connect the global DC gateway to the connection.
    4. Attach the global DC gateway to the enterprise router and view the global DC gateway attachment in the attachment list of the enterprise router.
    5. Configure routes on the network device in the on-premises data center.
    6. Log in to the ECS and run the ping command to verify connectivity.
  2. Establish connectivity using the other connection and verify connectivity.

Step 4: Configure Equal-Cost Routes on the Enterprise Router and on the On-Premises Network

  1. In the enterprise router route table, check whether load balancing is implemented among the BGP routes learned by the enterprise router through the global DC gateway attachments.
    1. If load balancing is implemented, no route policy is required.
    2. If load balancing is not implemented, configure a route policy and perform 2 to configure equal-cost routes on the enterprise router.
  2. (Optional) Configure equal-cost routes on the enterprise router.
    Replace the AS_Path of the routes. The same AS_Path may cause network loops. Before configuring a route policy, check your network plan.
    1. Create a route policy that contains two nodes.
    2. Associate the route policy with the two global DC gateway attachments so that the BGP routes learned by the enterprise router through the two attachments can work as equal-cost routes.
  3. Configure equal-cost routes on the on-premises network device.




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