Updated on 2023-07-03 GMT+08:00

Static Target Service


Use dubbo:reference to configure the referenced service provider in the service consumer of the Dubbo service. Use the url option to define the address of the point-to-point direct connection service provider to bypass the Registry and directly call the target service.


If the original Dubbo service uses the .xml configuration file, only the configuration file needs to be modified.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Interfaces that can be called -->
    <dubbo:reference id="helloService " interface="com.dubbo.service.HelloService " url = "dubbo://helloService:20880" />

If an annotation is used to define the referenced target service, only the annotation of the target service in the code needs to be modified.

@Reference(url = "dubbo://helloService:20880")
HelloService helloService;