Updated on 2024-06-27 GMT+08:00

Creating a Migration Task


This section describes how to create a migration task by calling APIs. For details, see Calling APIs.

Involved APIs


  • You have obtained the AK/SK for accessing the destination platform..


  1. Obtain the token of the IAM user.

    • API

      URI format: POST /v3/auth/tokens

      For details, see Obtaining a User Token Through Password Authentication.

    • Example request
      POST: https://{iam_endpoint}/v3/auth/tokens

      Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.

          "auth": {
              "identity": {
                  "methods": [
                  "password": {
                      "user": {
                          "name": "username",
                          "domain": {
                              "name": "domainname"
                          "password": "******"
              "scope": {
                  "project": {
                      "id": "0215ef11e49d4743be23dd97a1561xxx"

    In the response header, the value of X-Subject-Token is the token.


  2. Report the source server information and register the source server.

    • API

      URI format:

      POST /v3/sources

      For details, see Registering a Source Server with SMS.

    • Example request
      POST  https://sms.myhuaweicloud.eu/v3/sources


      Content-Type: application/json
      X-Auth-Token: "Token"


      	"os_type": "LINUX",
      	"name": "bike-centos",
      	"os_version": "CENTOS_7_4_64BIT",
      	"linux_block_check": "{\"release_type\": \"CENTOS\", \"release_version\": \"7.4.1708\", \"kernel_simplification\": \"3.10.0\", \"architecture\": \"x86_64\", \"kernel_version\": \"3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64\"}",
      	"kernel_version": "3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64",
      	"virtualization_type": "HVM",
      	"paravirtualization": true,
      	"firmware": "BIOS",
      	"has_rsync": true,
      	"boot_loader": "GRUB",
      	"disks": [{
      		"name": "/dev/vda",
      		"size": 42949672960,
      		"device_use": "BOOT",
      		"partition_style": "MBR",
      		"physical_volumes": [{
      			"name": "/dev/vda1",
      			"size": 42948624384,
      			"device_use": "OS",
      			"used_size": 2854862848,
      			"inode_size": "256",
      			"file_system": "ext4",
      			"mount_point": "/"
      	"volume_groups": [],
      	"cpu_quantity": 1,
      	"memory": 1038716928,
      	"networks": [{
      		"name": "eth0",
      		"ip": "",
      		"mac": "ef05f3911eeccb12a0a8931dc198af84e848b0e9e3edd0812805429fc649xxxx"
      	"ip": "",
      	"agent_version": "1.2.3-beta"
    • Example response
               "id": "33b798a8-4f80-49ce-8b8a-18a85adfe13e"

  3. Create a migration task for the source server.

    • API

      URI format:

      POST /v3/tasks

      For details, see Creating a Migration Task.

    • Example request
      POST  https://sms.myhuaweicloud.eu/v3/tasks


      Content-Type: application/json
      X-Auth-Token: "Token"


      	"auto_install_pvdriver" : true,
      	"auto_start" : true,
              "syncing": false,
      	"migration_ip" : "172.16.0.xxx",
      	"name" : "MigrationTask",
      	"os_type" : "WINDOWS",
      	"project_id" : "05825205120026802xxxx01721bc1xxx",
      	"project_name" : "project_name",
      	"region_id" : "region_id",
      	"region_name" : "region_name",
      	"source_server" : {
      		"id" : "9a01cb97-3eec-440e-xxxx-04016a8d7502"
      	"start_target_server" : true,
      	"target_server" : {
      		"name" : "name",
      		"vm_id" : "6dac09d8-5835-4888-xxxx-787453c4e1d4",
      		"disks" : [{
      				"device_use" : "OS",
      				"disk_id" : "354419d9-bd41-4b50-xxxx-e4f6f57c6xxx",
      				"name" : "Disk 0",
      				"physical_volumes" : [{
      						"device_use" : "BOOT",
      						"file_system" : "NTFS",
      						"index" : 1,
      						"name" : "(Reserved)",
      						"size" : 367001600,
      						"used_size" : 31244288,
      						"uuid" : "\\\\?\\Volume{b99b1c6f-75ef-xxxx-80b3-806e6f6e6963}\\"
      					}, {
      						"device_use" : "OS",
      						"file_system" : "NTFS",
      						"index" : 2,
      						"name" : "C:\\",
      						"size" : 42580574208,
      						"used_size" : 16148279296,
      						"uuid" : "\\\\?\\Volume{b99b1c70-75ef-xxxx-80b3-806e6f6e6963}\\"
      				"size" : 42949672960,
      				"used_size" : 42949672960
      			}, {
      				"device_use" : "NORMAL",
      				"disk_id" : "ef409e5f-2321-49d1-xxxx-027fc93985ef",
      				"name" : "Disk 1",
      				"physical_volumes" : [{
      						"file_system" : "NTFS",
      						"index" : 1,
      						"name" : "D:\\",
      						"size" : 53684994048,
      						"used_size" : 3462647808,
      						"uuid" : "\\\\?\\Volume{9f817be3-2cea-xxxx-816f-e995816380e2}\\"
      				"size" : 53687091200,
      				"used_size" : 53687091200
      		"btrfs_list" : null
      	"type" : "MIGRATE_BLOCK",
      	"use_public_ip" : false
    • Example response
               "id": "8abda8635e09d185015e09d188dd0001xx"

  4. View the migration task status.

    • API

      URI format:

      GET /v3/tasks/{task_id}

      For details, see "Querying a Migration Task by Task ID."

    • Example request
      GET  https://sms.myhuaweicloud.eu/v3/tasks/8abda8635e09d185015e09d188dd0001xx


      Content-Type: application/json
      X-Auth-Token: "Token"
    • Example response
       "id": "8abda8635e09d185015e09d188dd0001xx",
       "name": "MigrationTask",
       "type": "MIGRATE_FILE",
       "os_type": "LINUX",
       "state": "READY",
       "estimate_complete_time": 1600391014000,
       "create_date": 1600159831000,
       "start_date": 1600159831000,
       "finish_date": 1600343128000,
       "priority": 1,
       "speed_limit": 0,
       "migrate_speed": 0,
       "start_target_server": true,
       "error_json": "",
       "total_time": 935000,
       "float_ip": "192.168.0.xxx",
       "migration_ip": "192.168.0.xxx",
       "vm_template_id": null,
       "region_name": "region_name",
       "region_id": "region_id",
       "project_name": "project_name",
       "project_id": "05825205120026802ff0c01721bc1xxx",
       "sub_tasks": [
         "id": 3514,
         "name": "SSL_CONFIG",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600159847000,
         "end_date": 1600159851000,
         "user_op": "REPLICATE"
         "id": 3515,
         "name": "ATTACH_AGENT_IMAGE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600159851000,
         "end_date": 1600160027000,
         "user_op": "REPLICATE"
         "id": 3516,
         "name": "FORMAT_DISK_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600160027000,
         "end_date": 1600160030000,
         "user_op": "REPLICATE"
         "id": 3517,
         "name": "MIGRATE_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600160080000,
         "end_date": 1600160088000,
         "user_op": "REPLICATE"
         "id": 3582,
         "name": "CONFIGURE_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600333914000,
         "end_date": 1600334025000,
         "user_op": "CUTOVER0"
         "id": 3583,
         "name": "DETTACH_AGENT_IMAGE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600334029000,
         "end_date": 1600334103000,
         "user_op": "CUTOVER0"
         "id": 3584,
         "name": "SSL_CONFIG",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600334185000,
         "end_date": 1600334188000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC0"
         "id": 3585,
         "name": "ATTACH_AGENT_IMAGE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600334189000,
         "end_date": 1600334375000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC0"
         "id": 3586,
         "name": "SYNC_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600334375000,
         "end_date": 1600334376000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC0"
         "id": 3587,
         "name": "CONFIGURE_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600342952000,
         "end_date": 1600343052000,
         "user_op": "CUTOVER1"
         "id": 3588,
         "name": "DETTACH_AGENT_IMAGE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600343056000,
         "end_date": 1600343128000,
         "user_op": "CUTOVER1"
         "id": 3589,
         "name": "SSL_CONFIG",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600390756000,
         "end_date": 1600390760000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC1"
         "id": 3590,
         "name": "ATTACH_AGENT_IMAGE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600390760000,
         "end_date": 1600390953000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC1"
         "id": 3591,
         "name": "SYNC_LINUX_FILE",
         "progress": 100,
         "start_date": 1600390954000,
         "end_date": 1600390954000,
         "user_op": "RESYNC1"
       "source_server": {
        "id": "621f2cb5-ba4f-4819-b00d-ee48ca2c3xxx",
        "ip": "",
        "name": "ecs-4bb4",
        "os_type": "LINUX",
        "os_version": "CENTOS_7_6_64BIT",
        "oem_system": false,
        "state": "syncing",
        "migration_cycle": "syncing"
       "target_server": {
        "id": "de35f45d-b6d5-4769-9148-984c8fab4xxx",
        "vm_id": "6d51477f-0a02-4917-8d7d-b13969f4axxx",
        "name": "ecs-4bb4",
        "ip": null,
        "os_type": "LINUX",
        "os_version": null,
        "system_dir": null,
        "disks": [
          "id": 86364,
          "name": "/dev/sda",
          "relation_name": "/dev/vda",
          "disk_id": "ed3c78d0-3166-48d1-bee0-d29e7d834xxx",
          "partition_style": "MBR",
          "size": 42949672960,
          "used_size": 42948624384,
          "device_use": "BOOT",
          "os_disk": false,
          "physical_volumes": [
            "id": 132594,
            "uuid": null,
            "index": 0,
            "name": "/dev/sda1",
            "relation_name": "/dev/vda1",
            "device_use": "OS",
            "file_system": "ext4",
            "mount_point": "/",
            "size": 42948624384,
            "used_size": 2467393536,
            "free_size": 40481230848
          "disk_index": "z"
        "volume_groups": [],
        "image_disk_id": "9700f5ce-02ae-4a71-a057-deffe9b69xxx",
        "rollback_snapshot_ids": null
       "clone_server": null,
       "target_snapshot_id": null,
       "remain_seconds": 60000

      state indicates the task execution status. READY indicates that the task has been created.