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API Overview

Updated on 2023-11-28 GMT+08:00
Table 1 API description



Template management

APIs for querying the template list, creating a pipeline template, and querying template details.

Pipeline management

APIs for starting a pipeline, obtaining pipeline status in batches or separately, and obtaining execution details.

Group management

APIs for creating, updating, and deleting pipeline groups.

Rule management

APIs for obtaining details about a single rule, obtaining the rule list by page, and updating rules.

Tenant-level policy management

APIs for creating a rule set, modifying a rule set, and obtaining rule set details.

Tenant-level open-source governance policy management

APIs for creating a tenant-level open-source governance policy, modifying a tenant-level open-source governance policy, and querying details about a tenant-level open-source governance policy.

Project-level policy management

APIs for obtaining the project-level policy list and querying the project-level policy list.

Project-level open-source governance policy management

APIs for querying details about a project-level open-source governance policy and querying the project-level open-source governance policy list.

Extension management

APIs for creating an extension version, extension draft version, and a publisher.





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