- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Log Management
Log Ingestion
Ingesting Cloud Service Logs to LTS
- Ingesting AOM Logs to LTS
- Ingesting APIG Logs to LTS
- Ingesting BMS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CBH Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CCE Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CFW Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CTS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GaussDB(DWS) Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ECS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ELB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting Enterprise Router Logs to LTS
- Ingesting FunctionGraph Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ModelArts Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SMN Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SecMaster Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Containerized Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Cloud Host Logs to LTS
- Ingesting VPC Logs to LTS
- Ingesting WAF Logs to LTS
- Using APIs to Ingest Logs to LTS
- Other Ingestion Modes
- Setting ICAgent Structuring Parsing Rules
Ingesting Cloud Service Logs to LTS
- Host Management
Log Search and Analysis
- Overview
- Setting Cloud Structuring Parsing
- Setting Indexes
- Searching Logs
- Viewing Real-Time Logs
- Analyzing Logs in LTS
SQL Analysis Syntax
- Overview
- SQL Aggregate Functions
- SQL Period-over-Period Functions
- SQL JSON Functions
- SQL IP Functions
- SQL Mathematical Functions
- SQL Time Functions
- SQL Extrema Functions
- SQL String Functions
- SQL SPLIT Functions
- SQL Comparison Operators
- SQL IP Address Functions
- SQL Reduction Functions
- Other SQL Functions
- SQL JOIN Syntax
- SQL Query Example
Log Visualization
- Overview
- Visualizing Logs in Statistical Charts
Visualizing Logs in Dashboards
- Creating a Dashboard
- Adding a Dashboard Filter
Dashboard Templates
- APIG Dashboard Templates
- CCE Dashboard Templates
- CDN Dashboard Templates
- CFW Dashboard Templates
- CSE Dashboard Templates
- DCS Dashboard Template
- DDS Dashboard Template
- DMS Dashboard Template
- DSL Dashboard Template
- ER Dashboard Template
- METRIC Dashboard Template
- Nginx Dashboard Templates
- VPC Dashboard Template
- WAF Dashboard Templates
- Log Alarms
- Log Transfer
- Log Processing
- Configuration Center
- API Reference
- Best Practices
- Overview
- Consultation
Host Management
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Installation Fails in Windows and the Message "SERVICE STOP" Is Displayed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Upgrade Fails on the LTS Console?
- What Do I Do If I Could Not Query New Logs on LTS?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Restarts Repeatedly After Being Installed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Is Displayed as Offline on the LTS Console After Installation?
- What Do I Do If I Do Not See a Host with ICAgent Installed on the LTS Console?
- How Do I Create a VPC Endpoint on the VPCEP Console?
- How Do I Obtain an AK/SK Pair?
- How Do I Install ICAgent by Creating an Agency?
Log Ingestion
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Host Log Ingestion?
- Will LTS Stop Collecting Logs After the Free Quota Is Used Up If I Disable "Continue to Collect Logs When the Free Quota Is Exceeded" in AOM?
- What Do I Do If the CPU Usage Is High When ICAgent Is Collecting Logs?
- What Kinds of Logs and Files Does LTS Collect?
- How Do I Disable the Function of Collecting CCE Standard Output Logs to AOM on the LTS Console?
- How Long Does It Take to Generate Logs After Configuring Log Ingestion?
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Log Ingestion with ICAgent?
- Log Search and Analysis
- Log Transfer
- SDK Reference
- Videos
Status Code
After sending a request, you will receive a response, including a status code, response header, and response body.
A status code is a group of digits, ranging from 1xx to 5xx. It indicates the status of a request. For details, see Error Codes.
For example, if status code 201 is returned for calling the API used to obtain a user token, the request is successful.
Response Header
Similar to a request, a response also has a header, for example, Content-type.
Figure 1 shows the response header fields for the API used to obtain a user token. The x-subject-token header field is the desired user token. This token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.
Response Body (Optional)
The body of a response is often returned in structured format as specified in the Content-type header field. The response body transfers content except the response header.
The following is part of the response body for the API used to obtain a user token.
{ "token": { "expires_at": "2019-02-13T06:52:13.855000Z", "methods": [ "password" ], "catalog": [ { "endpoints": [ { "region_id": "xxxxx", ......
If an error occurs during API calling, an error code and a message will be displayed. The following shows an error response body.
{ "error_msg": "The format of message is error", "error_code": "AS.0001" }
In the response body, error_code is an error code, and error_msg provides information about the error.
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