API Overview

Updated on 2024-09-27 GMT+08:00

The following tables list the Live APIs. Before calling a Live API, obtain a user token. The obtained token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs. For details about how to call a Live API, see Example 1: Creating a Transcoding Template.

Domain Name Management APIs

Table 1 Domain name management APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/domain

Creating a Domain Name

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/domain

Deleting a Domain Name

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain

Modifying a Domain Name

GET /v1/{project_id}/domain

Querying Domain Names

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domains_mapping

Mapping Domain Names

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/domains_mapping

Deleting a Domain Name Mapping

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain/ipv6-switch

Configuring the Domain Name IPv6 Switch

GET /v1/{project_id}/cdn/ip-info

Querying IP Address Information

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain/delay

Modifying the Streaming Domain Name Delay

GET /v1/{project_id}/domain/delay

Querying the Streaming Domain Name Delay

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain/hls

Modifying the HLS Configuration of a Domain Name

GET /v1/{project_id}/domain/hls

Querying HLS Configurations of Domain Names

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain/pull-sources

Modifying Origin Pull Settings

GET /v1/{project_id}/domain/pull-sources

Querying Origin Pull Settings

Transcoding Template Management APIs

Table 2 Transcoding template management APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/template/transcodings

Creating a Transcoding Template

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/template/transcodings

Deleting a Transcoding Template

PUT /v1/{project_id}/template/transcodings

Modifying a Transcoding Template

GET /v1/{project_id}/template/transcodings

Querying Transcoding Templates

Stream Management APIs

Table 3 Stream management APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/stream/blocks

Disabling a Push Stream

GET /v1/{project_id}/stream/blocks

Querying Disabled Streams

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/stream/blocks

Resuming a Push Stream

PUT /v1/{project_id}/stream/blocks

Modifying the Attribute of a Disabled Stream

GET /v1/{project_id}/realtime/streams

Querying Ongoing Streams

Notification Management APIs

Table 4 Notification management APIs



PUT /v1/{project_id}/notifications/publish

Adding and Modifying Stream Notification Configurations

GET /v1/{project_id}/notifications/publish

Querying Stream Notification Configurations

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/notifications/publish

Deleting Stream Notification Configurations

Access Control APIs

Table 5 Access control APIs



PUT /v1/{project_id}/guard/referer-chain

Configuring a Referer Validation ACL

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/guard/referer-chain

Deleting a Referer Validation ACL

GET /v1/{project_id}/guard/referer-chain

Querying Referer Validation ACLs

GET /v1/{project_id}/guard/ip

Querying IP Address ACLs

PUT /v1/{project_id}/guard/ip

Modifying an IP Address ACL

POST /v1/{project_id}/auth/chain

Generating a Signed URL

GET /v1/{project_id}/domain/geo-blocking

Querying Supported Areas of a Streaming Domain Name

PUT /v1/{project_id}/domain/geo-blocking

Modifying Supported Areas of a Streaming Domain Name

GET /v1/{project_id}/guard/key-chain

Querying the URL Validation Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

PUT /v1/{project_id}/guard/key-chain

Modifying the URL Validation Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/guard/key-chain

Deleting the URL Validation Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

Snapshot Management APIs

Table 6 Snapshot management APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/stream/snapshot

Creating a Snapshot Capturing Template

PUT /v1/{project_id}/stream/snapshot

Modifying a Snapshot Capturing Template

GET /v1/{project_id}/stream/snapshot

Querying Snapshot Capturing Templates

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/stream/snapshot

Deleting a Snapshot Capturing Template

Log Management APIs

Table 7 Log management APIs



GET /v1/{project_id}/logs

Obtaining Livestreaming Logs

Recording APIs

Table 8 Recording APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/record/rules

Creating a Recording Template

GET /v1/{project_id}/record/rules

Querying Recording Templates

PUT /v1/{project_id}/record/rules/{id}

Modifying a Recording Template

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/record/rules/{id}

Deleting a Recording Template

GET /v1/{project_id}/record/rules/{id}

Querying Recording Template Configurations

POST /v1/{project_id}/record/control

Submitting a Recording Command

POST /v1/{project_id}/record/indexes

Creating a Video Recording Index

Recording Callback Management APIs

Table 9 Recording callback management APIs



POST /v1/{project_id}/record/callbacks

Creating a Recording Callback

GET /v1/{project_id}/record/callbacks

Querying Recording Callbacks

PUT /v1/{project_id}/record/callbacks/{id}

Modifying a Recording Callback

GET /v1/{project_id}/record/callbacks/{id}

Querying Recording Callbacks

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/record/callbacks/{id}

Deleting a Recording Callback

HTTPS Certificate Management APIs

Table 10 HTTPS certificate management APIs



PUT /v1/{project_id}/guard/https-cert

Modifying the HTTPS Certificate Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

GET /v1/{project_id}/guard/https-cert

Querying the HTTPS Certificate Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

DELETE /v1/{project_id}/guard/https-cert

Deleting the HTTPS Certificate Configuration of a Specified Domain Name

OBS Bucket Management APIs

Table 11 OBS bucket management APIs



PUT /v1/{project_id}/obs/authority

Granting or Canceling Authorization of Accessing OBS Buckets

Statistics Analysis APIs

Table 12 Statistics analysis APIs



GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/bandwidth/peak

Querying Peak Bandwidth

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/traffic/summary

Querying Total Traffic

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/httpcodes

Querying HTTP Status Codes for Pulling Live Streams

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/transcode

Querying the Duration of Transcoded Outputs

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/record

Querying the Number of Recording Channels

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/snapshot

Querying the Number of Snapshots

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/up-bandwidth/detail

Querying Upstream Bandwidth

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/stream-count

Querying the Number of Stream Push Channels

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/history/streams

Querying Historical Streams

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/stream-portraits

Querying Playback Profiles

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/area/detail

Querying the Distribution of Livestreaming Metrics by Region

Stream Analytics APIs

Table 13 Stream analytics APIs



GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/stream/framerate

Querying the Stream Frame Rate

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/stream/bitrate

Querying the Stream Bitrate

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/stream-detail

Querying Stream Push Monitoring Data

GET /v2/{project_id}/stats/up-stream/detail

Querying CDN Upstream Streaming Quality Data





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