Help Center/ Elastic Volume Service/ API Reference/ Before You Start/ API Types/Versions/Microversions

API Types/Versions/Microversions

Updated on 2022-09-22 GMT+08:00

API Type Description

EVS APIs are classified as follows:
  • APIs for EVS with customized specifications, which are also referred to as APIs
  • Native OpenStack APIs that comply with OpenStack community specifications, which are also referred to as OpenStack Cinder APIs
The two types of APIs offer similar functions but are used in different scenarios. OpenStack Cinder APIs are used to meet open-source ecosystem requirements, while APIs for EVS with customized specifications are developed based on native OpenStack APIs with the following enhanced functions:

API Version Description

EVS custom APIs provide multiple versions. If those APIs offer the same functions, you are advised to use the v2 APIs.





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