Help Center/ DataArts Studio/ API Reference/ Application Cases/ Example of Using Data Development APIs

Example of Using Data Development APIs

Updated on 2022-09-15 GMT+08:00


DataArts Studio helps enterprises quickly build an end-to-end intelligent data system that covers the entire process from data ingestion to data analytics. The system can eliminate data silos, unify data standards, accelerate data monetization, and promote digital transformation.

The following describes how to create a script by calling the Creating a Script API. For details, see Calling APIs.


You have planned the region where Data Development is located and determined the endpoint for calling an API based on the region.

An endpoint is the request address for calling an API. Endpoints vary depending on services and regions. You can obtain endpoints from Endpoints.

Creating a Shell Script

The following is an example of creating a shell script:
"content":"echo a",
  • name indicates a custom script name, for example, echoTimeShell.
  • type indicates the type of the script.
  • content indicates the script content.
  • connectionName indicates the name of the data connection associated with the script.

Creating a DLI SQL Script

You can also create a DLI SQL script. The following is an example:
"content":"show tables",
  • name indicates a custom script name, for example, dlisql1.
  • type indicates the type of the script.
  • content indicates the script content.
  • connectionName indicates the name of the data connection associated with the script.
  • database indicates the name of the associated database when the script is executed.
  • queueName indicates the name of the queue running on DLI when the SQL statement is executed.




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