Querying Monitoring Data of Multiple Metrics
You can query the monitoring data of specified metrics within a specified time range and at a specified granularity. You can query the monitoring data of up to 500 metrics in one batch.
POST /V1.0/{project_id}/batch-query-metric-data
- Parameter description
Table 1 Parameter description Parameter
Specifies the project ID.
For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
- The size of a POST request cannot exceed 512 KB. Otherwise, the request will be denied.
- The default maximum query interval (to–from) varies depending on period and the number of metrics to be queried. The rule is as follows: Number of metrics x (to - from)/Monitoring interval ≤ 3000.
- If period is 1, the monitoring interval is 60,000 ms (60 x 1000).
- If period is 300, the monitoring interval is 300,000 ms (300 x 1000).
- If period is 1200, the monitoring interval is 1,200,000 ms (1200 x 1000).
- If period is 3600, the monitoring interval is 3,600,000 ms (3600 x 1000).
- If period is 14400, the monitoring interval is 14,400,000 ms (14400 x 1000).
- If period is 86400, the monitoring interval is 86,400,000 ms (86400 x 1000).
For example, if 300 metrics are queried in batches and the monitoring interval is 60,000 ms, the maximum value of (to-from) is 600000. If (to-from) exceeds 600,000, from is automatically changed to to-600000.
- Request parameters
Table 2 Request parameters Parameter
Array of objects
Specifies the metric data. The maximum length of the array is 500.
For details, see Table 3.
Specifies the start time of the query. The time is a UNIX timestamp and the unit is ms. Set from to at least one period earlier than the current time. Rollup aggregates the raw data generated within a period to the start time of the period. If from and to are within a period, the query result will be empty due to the rollup failure. Set from to at least one period earlier than the current time. Take the 5-minute period as an example. If it is 10:35 now, the raw data generated between 10:30 and 10:35 will be aggregated to 10:30. In this example, if period is 5 minutes, from should be 10:30.
Cloud Eye rounds up from based on the level of granularity required to perform the rollup.
Specifies the end time of the query. The time is a UNIX timestamp and the unit is ms. from must be earlier than to.
Specifies how often Cloud Eye aggregates data, which can be
- 1: Cloud Eye performs no aggregation and displays raw data.
- 300: Cloud Eye aggregates data every 5 minutes.
- 1200: Cloud Eye aggregates data every 20 minutes.
- 3600: Cloud Eye aggregates data every hour.
- 14400: Cloud Eye aggregates data every 4 hours.
- 86400: Cloud Eye aggregates data every 24 hours.
Specifies the data rollup method, which can be
- average: Cloud Eye calculates the average value of metric data within a rollup period.
- max: Cloud Eye calculates the maximum value of metric data within a rollup period.
- min: Cloud Eye calculates the minimum value of metric data within a rollup period.
- sum: Cloud Eye calculates the sum of metric data within a rollup period.
- variance: Cloud Eye calculates the variance value of metric data within a rollup period.
filter does not affect the query result of raw data. (The period is 1.)
Table 3 metrics data structure description Parameter
Specifies the namespace of a service. For details, see Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.
The namespace must be in the service.item format and contain 3 to 32 characters. service and item each must start with a letter and contain only letters, digits, and underscores (_).
Specifies the metric ID. For example, if the monitoring metric of an ECS is CPU usage, metric_name is cpu_util. For details, see Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.
The value must start with a letter. Enter 1 to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
Array of objects
Specifies metric dimensions. dimensions is an array consisting of a maximum of four JSON objects.
One dimension is a JSON object, and its structure is as follows:
"name": "instance_id",
"value": "33328f02-3814-422e-b688-bfdba93d4050"
For details, see Table 4.
Table 4 dimensions data structure description Parameter
Specifies the dimension. For example, the ECS dimension is instance_id. For details about the dimension of each service, see the key column in Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.
Start with a letter. Enter 1 to 32 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
Specifies the dimension value, for example, an ECS ID. dimensions can be obtained from the response body by calling the API for querying metrics.
Start with a letter or a digit. Enter 1 to 256 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
- dimensions can be obtained from the response body by calling the API for querying metrics.
- OBS metric data can be queried only when the related OBS APIs are called.
- Example request
Request example 1: Query the average disk usage of the OS on the ECS whose instance_id is 07d878a9-2243-4e84-aeef-c47747d18024 and mount_point is 012bec14bc176310c19f40e384fd629b from 20:00:00 to 22:00:00 on April 30, 2019.
{ "from": 1556625600000, "to": 1556632800000, "period": "1", "filter": "average", "metrics": [{ "dimensions": [{ "name": "instance_id", "value": "07d878a9-2243-4e84-aeef-c47747d18024" }, { "name": "mount_point", "value": "012bec14bc176310c19f40e384fd629b" }], "metric_name": "disk_usedPercent", "namespace": "AGT.ECS" }] }
Request example 2: Query the average memory usage of the OS of the ECS whose instance_id is 238764d4-c4e1-4274-88a1-5956b057766b from 20:00:00 to 22:00:00 on April 30, 2019.
{ "from": 1556625600000, "to": 1556632800000, "period": "1", "filter": "average", "metrics": [{ "dimensions": [{ "name": "instance_id", "value": "238764d4-c4e1-4274-88a1-5956b057766b" }], "metric_name": "mem_usedPercent", "namespace": "AGT.ECS" }] }
Request example 3: Query the average cpu_util of the five ECSs whose instance_id are faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070, faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026071, faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026072, faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026073, and faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026074 from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on August 21, 2024. Query five metrics. The monitoring period is 60,000 ms. The maximum value of (to-from) is 36,000,000. The value of the request parameter (to-from) is 86,399,000, which exceeds the maximum value 36,000,000. The formula is as follows: The number of metrics × (to-from)/Monitoring period ≤ 3000. The value of from in the request parameter is automatically changed to to-36,000,000, that is, 1,724,219,999,000.
{ "metrics": [ { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026071" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026072" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026073" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026074" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, ], "from": 1724169600000, "to": 1724255999000, "period": "1", "filter": "average" }
Request example 4: View the average cpu_util of the ECS whose instance_id is faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070 and the average network_vm_connections of the ECS whose instance_id is 06b4020f-461a-4a52-84da-53fa71c2f42b. The monitoring data was collected from 20:00:00 to 22:00:00 on April 30, 2019.{ "metrics": [ { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070" } ], "metric_name": "cpu_util" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "06b4020f-461a-4a52-84da-53fa71c2f42b" } ], "metric_name": "network_vm_connections" } ], "from": 1556625600000, "to": 1556632800000, "period": "1", "filter": "average" }
Request example 5: View the sums of rds021_myisam_buf_usage of the RDS instance whose rds_cluster_id is 3c8cc15614ab46f5b8743317555e0de2in01 and the RDS instance whose rds_cluster_id is 3b2fa8b55a9b4adca3713962a9d31884in01. The monitoring data was collected from 20:00:00 to 22:00:00 on April 30, 2019.{ "metrics": [ { "namespace": "SYS.RDS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "rds_cluster_id", "value": "3c8cc15614ab46f5b8743317555e0de2in01" } ], "metric_name": "rds021_myisam_buf_usage" }, { "namespace": "SYS.RDS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "rds_cluster_id", "value": "3b2fa8b55a9b4adca3713962a9d31884in01" } ], "metric_name": "rds021_myisam_buf_usage" } ], "from": 1556625600000, "to": 1556632800000, "period": "1", "filter": "sum" }
Example request 6: View the minimum proc_specified_count of the server whose instance_id is cd841102-f6b1-407d-a31f-235db796dcbb and proc is b28354b543375bfa94dabaeda722927f. The monitoring data is collected from 20:00:00 to 22:00:00 on April 30, 2019 and the rollup period is 20 minutes.{ "metrics": [ { "namespace": "AGT.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "cd841102-f6b1-407d-a31f-235db796dcbb" }, { "name": "proc", "value": "b28354b543375bfa94dabaeda722927" } ], "metric_name": "proc_specified_count" } ], "from": 1556625600000, "to": 1556632800000, "period": "1200", "filter": "min" }
- Response parameters
Table 5 Parameter description Parameter
Array of objects
Specifies the metric data.
For details, see Table 6.
Table 6 metrics data structure description Parameter
Specifies the metric unit.
Array of objects
Specifies the metric data list. Cloud Eye rounds up the value of from based on the selected granularity for data query, so datapoints may contain more data points than expected. Up to 3,000 data points can be returned.
For details, see Table 8.
Specifies the metric namespace, which must be in the service.item format and contain 3 to 32 characters. service and item each must start with a letter and contain only letters, digits, and underscores (_).
Array of objects
Specifies the list of metric dimensions.
Each dimension is a JSON object, and its structure is as follows:
"name": "instance_id",
"value": "33328f02-3814-422e-b688-bfdba93d4050"
For details, see Table 7.
Specifies the metric name. Start with a letter. Enter 1 to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, and underscores (_) are allowed.
Table 7 dimensions data structure description Parameter
Specifies the dimension. For example, the ECS dimension is instance_id. For details about the dimension of each service, see the key column in Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.
Start with a letter. Enter 1 to 32 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
Specifies the dimension value, for example, an ECS ID.
Start with a letter or a digit. Enter 1 to 256 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
Table 8 datapoints data structure description Parameter
Specifies the average value of metric data within a rollup period.
Specifies the maximum value of metric data within a rollup period.
Specifies the minimum value of metric data within a rollup period.
Specifies the sum of metric data within a rollup period.
Specifies the variance of metric data within a rollup period.
Specifies when the metric is collected. It is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
- Example response
Example response 1: The average cpu_util of the ECS whose instance_id is faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070 and the average network_vm_connections of the ECS whose instance_id is 06b4020f-461a-4a52-84da-53fa71c2f42b are displayed.
{ "metrics": [ { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "metric_name": "cpu_util", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "faea5b75-e390-4e2b-8733-9226a9026070" } ], "datapoints": [ { "average": 0.69, "timestamp": 1556625610000 }, { "average": 0.7, "timestamp": 1556625715000 } ], "unit": "%" }, { "namespace": "SYS.ECS", "metric_name": "network_vm_connections", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "06b4020f-461a-4a52-84da-53fa71c2f42b" } ], "datapoints": [ { "average": 1, "timestamp": 1556625612000 }, { "average": 3, "timestamp": 1556625717000 } ], "unit": "count" } ] }
Response example 2: The rds021_myisam_buf_usage sums of the RDS instance whose rds_cluster_id are 3c8cc15614ab46f5b8743317555e0de2in01 is displayed, and those of the RDS instance whose rds_cluster_id is 3b2fa8b55a9b4adca3713962a9d31884in01 are displayed.{ "metrics": [ { "unit": "Ratio", "datapoints": [ { "sum": 0.07, "timestamp": 1556625628000 }, { "sum": 0.07, "timestamp": 1556625688000 } ], "namespace": "SYS.RDS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "rds_cluster_id", "value": "3c8cc15614ab46f5b8743317555e0de2in01" } ], "metric_name": "rds021_myisam_buf_usage" }, { "unit": "Ratio", "datapoints": [ { "sum": 0.06, "timestamp": 1556625614000 }, { "sum": 0.07, "timestamp": 1556625674000 } ], "namespace": "SYS.RDS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "rds_cluster_id", "value": "3b2fa8b55a9b4adca3713962a9d31884in01" } ], "metric_name": "rds021_myisam_buf_usage" } ] }
Response example 3: The minimum rds021_myisam_buf_usage of the server whose instance_id is cd841102-f6b1-407d-a31f-235db796dcbb and proc is b28354b543375bfa94dabaeda722927f is displayed.{ "metrics": [ { "unit": "Ratio", "datapoints": [ { "min": 0, "timestamp": 1556625612000 }, { "min": 0, "timestamp": 1556625672000 } ], "namespace": "AGT.ECS", "dimensions": [ { "name": "instance_id", "value": "cd841102-f6b1-407d-a31f-235db796dcbb" }, { "name": "proc", "value": "b28354b543375bfa94dabaeda722927f" } ], "metric_name": "rds021_myisam_buf_usage" } ] }
Returned Values
- Normal
- Abnormal
Returned Value
400 Bad Request
Request error.
401 Unauthorized
The authentication information is not provided or is incorrect.
403 Forbidden
Access to the requested page is forbidden.
408 Request Timeout
The request timed out.
429 Too Many Requests
Concurrent requests are excessive.
500 Internal Server Error
Failed to complete the request because of an internal service error.
503 Service Unavailable
The service is currently unavailable.
Error Codes
See Error Codes.
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