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Debugging an API

Updated on 2023-09-01 GMT+08:00

To ensure that a SaaS product can be accessed, KooGallery provides a debugging page on the Seller Console. You can debug SaaS APIs in five scenarios (instance creation, query, status update, release, and upgrade). The following uses the API for creating an instance as an example.


  1. Choose Seller Console > Application Tools > Interface Addresses, add an API address, and complete the verification.

  2. Preset parameters in your system by referring to the parameter description in en-us_topic_000009.html#en-us_topic_000009__section31291646.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Tools > Application Access Management and enter or select the corresponding debugging URL.
  4. On the first tab, enter values of parameters preset in 2 and click Generate Request Command to generate a request example. For details about the parameters, see APIs.
  5. Click Debug and Save Case. The system calls the debugging URL to test the API. If the test is successful, the system displays a message indicating debugging is successful and the case is saved. If the test fails, the error message is displayed in the lower part of the page. You can modify the API based on the error message.

    • To release a yearly/monthly/daily product, debug and save cases of instance creation, query, update, status update, and release.
    • To release a product billed by one-time payment, debug and save cases of instance creation, query, and release.

  6. When the debugging is successful, choose Application Tools > Case Management in the navigation pane and view the test case.




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